How to access and manage project details in the Zuper web app?

How to access and manage project details in the Zuper web app?

The project details page serves as a central hub for managing and overseeing all aspects of the project, ensuring its successful completion within scope, schedule, and budget constraints.

You can update the status, add and manage jobs, create quotes, proposals, and invoices, add notes, and track project activity from the details page.

You can access the project details page directly after saving a project or from the projects listing page. 

NavigationProjects --> Projects listing page--> Project Details Page

Accessing the project details Page

1. Click the “Projects” module from the left navigation menu. You will view the list of projects with the project name, category, status, priority, and other details on the projects listing page. 

2. Select any "Project Number" or "Project Name" from the Project listing page. The selected project details page appears. 

3. From the details page, you can navigate to various sections of the project using the Navigation menu on the left panel.

In the right panel, you can associate different modules including organization, properties, contracts and more with the project. Additionally, you can perform quick actions such as updating the project status, scheduling a project, and adding a new quote, proposal, invoice, job, and notes directly from this page. 
Using the navigation menu, you can navigate to the various sections of the project, including Details, Jobs, Financials, Notes, and Activity. 

Project Details

The project details section gives you an overview of all the project-related details. It includes primary information such as project category, priority, scheduled date, and tags associated with the Project, along with project service/billing address and other details, which include project-specific custom fields.


The jobs section displays all the jobs associated with the project on the left, including information such as job duration, scheduled date and time, status and more. From this section, you can manage the entire project schedule using either the Gantt or List view. You can also create new jobs or add existing ones, create milestones to mark significant events as the project progresses, manage dependencies between jobs and milestones, and group jobs and milestones into phases.

For more detailed information on how to use the jobs section, see How to plan and manage a project in the Zuper web app


The financial section on the project details page includes financial information and transactions relevant to the Project. Here's a breakdown of what it includes: 
  1. Quotes & Proposals
  2. Invoices

This subsection lists quotations and proposals provided to clients. 

1. It also includes summary of the quotes created such as the total quotes for the Project, quotes sent to and approved by the client. 

2. You can also view/edit and detach a quote from the project here. To do so, click the "ellipsis" icon next to any quote under the Action column and choose either "View details" or "Detach."
  1. If you want to view/edit a quote, select "View details." You'll be redirected to the specific quote page, where you can view/edit the quote details by clicking the "Edit" button.

Note: You cannot edit a quote if the quote has already been approved by the client. 
  1. If you want to detach a quote from the project, select "Detach" and provide your confirmation to detach the quote from the project. 

Note:  Detaching a quote does not mean permanent deletion. You can still access the quote from the quotes module.

3. You can also quickly create a new quote/proposal and add an existing quote/proposal from here.
  1. To create a new quote, click the "Create Quote" button at the top right corner of the page. You'll be redirected to the new quote creation page. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a new quote, click here

  1. To create a proposal or add an existing quote/proposal, click the dropdown menu within the "Create Quote" button and select either "Create Proposal" or "Add Existing."

  1. When you opt for "Add Existing," a sidebar with a list of previously created quotes and proposals appears on the right. Simply select the required one from the list and click the "Choose Quote" button to add it to the Project.

  1. Alternatively, clicking "Create Proposal" redirects you to the new proposal creation page. For step-by-step instructions on creating a new proposal, click here


This subsection lists invoices generated for clients within the project.

1. It also includes a summary of the invoices in the project such as total invoice amount generated for the project, invoice sent to and paid by the client. Additionally, you can view the invoice number, invoice date, invoice amount, status, and due date for each invoice.

2. You can also view/edit and detach an invoice from the project here. To do so, click the "ellipsis" icon next to any invoice under the Action column and choose either "View details" or "Detach."

  1. If you want to view/edit an invoice, select "View details." You'll be redirected to the specific invoice page, where you can view/edit the invoice details by clicking the "Edit" button.

Note: You cannot edit an invoice if the invoice has already been paid by the client. 
  1. If you want to detach an invoice from the project, select "Detach" and provide your confirmation to detach the invoice from the project. 

Note:  Detaching an invoice does not mean permanent deletion. You can still access the invoice from the invoice module.

3. You can also quickly create a new invoice and add an existing invoice from here.
  1. To create a new invoice, click the "Create Invoice" button at the top right corner of the page. You'll be redirected to the new invoice creation page. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a new invoice, click here

  1. To add an existing invoice, click the dropdown menu within the "Create Invoice" button, and a sidebar with a list of previously created invoices will appear on the right. Simply select the required one from the list and click the "Choose Invoice" button to add it to the Project.


Notes are comments or information added to a project over its course. Here, you can view existing notes, create new ones, and manage them. You can also change Notes Privacy, Edit Note, and Delete Note by clicking the kebab icon next to any of the notes.

Note: The edit and delete options are available only for the user who created the note. 


The activity section on the details page displays a log or timeline of all actions and updates related to the Project, helping you stay informed about recent changes and track the progress of the ongoing Project.

Quick Actions

The quick actions bar lets you quickly update the project status, schedule a project, and add a new quote, proposal, invoice, job, and notes. 

Update status

Project statuses refer to the different stages or checkpoints within a project that can be updated by back-office users, such as project managers, and other stakeholders who have access to the project. These statuses are used to track the progress of the project. If you need to update the status of the project, simply follow these steps:

1. Click the "Update Status" button on the quick action bar. 

2. Choose the current project status from the dropdown menu and click the “Update Status” button. The status will be updated successfully.

Note: The available project statuses are those configured in the project settings.  

3. You can then view the history of the project status from the “Status History” tab. From here, you can delete a status by clicking the "kebab" icon or roll back the most recent status update using the Rollback icon next to the status name. 


If you haven't scheduled a project while creation, you can schedule it from here. To schedule a project, follow these steps:

1. Click the schedule icon on the quick action bar at the left.  

2. A pop-up appears. Pick a start and end date using the calendar icon and click the "Update" button. 

3. The project will be scheduled successfully.


The "+ New" icon allows you to quickly create a new quote, proposal, invoice, and job for this project, which will then be associated with the "Financials" and "Jobs" sections of this project.

A. New Quote

A quotation, also known as an estimate, is a document outlining the parts or services required to complete a job/project, along with an approximate cost for each item.

1. To create a new quote, click "+ New Quote." You will be redirected to the new quote creation page. 

For step-by-step instructions on creating a new quote in the V3 Zuper Web App, click here

B. New Proposal

Before providing an official price quote or estimate, you may send a preliminary document or communication to a potential client. This is called a "Proposal."  A proposal can be used when you've more than one possible option for a customer. It allows you to share all the possible options and the customer can choose the one that best suits them. 

1. To create a new proposal, click "+ New Proposal."  You will be redirected to the existing proposal templates page (Proposal templates are predefined templates to link the service packages. This template is a basic format for creating a quote proposal). 
Select one of the available templates, or opt to build from scratch to create a new proposal. 

For detailed step-by-step instructions on creating a new proposal in the V3 Zuper Web App, click here

C. New Invoice

An invoice is an accounting document used to request payment from clients for services/jobs rendered within the project. 

1. To create a new invoice, click "+ New Invoice." You will be redirected to the new invoice creation page. 

For step-by-step instructions on how to create a new invoice in the V3 Zuper Web App, click here

D. New Job

A job is a specific task within a project that needs to be completed at the client's location within the scheduled date and time.

1. To create a new job, click "+ New Job"; a sidebar appears on the right to create a new job. Enter the job title, category, and other details.

2. If you would like to create a detailed job, including service tasks, parts/services, property, assets, and more, click "Create Detailed Job" at the top right corner of the sidebar. You will be redirected to the new job creation page.  

For step-by-step instructions on creating a new job in the V3 Zuper Web App, click here

Add Note

Notes are comments or information added to a project over its course. These notes add more context to the project. To create a new note, follow these steps: 

1. Click "+ Add Note"; a rich text editor appears in the middle to enter notes. 

2. Your notes can be anything from a simple text reminder to an image, video, or document. To attach files such as Images, Video, Audio, PDF, DOC, XLS, and Zip, click "Attach Files" at the bottom of the note. 

3. By default, the notes will be associated with the Project. You can also associate the notes with other modules such as Customer, Property, Asset, etc.

To do so, click the “+” option under "Associated with" and choose the Job, Customer, Organization, and other modules to which the notes should be associated. Once chosen, click "Proceed" to associate the notes with the selected module. 

Note Visibility:
This option allows to decide who can access these notes.

  1. Public - This will help you make the notes public to all, including the Customer.
  2. Internal (Default) – By choosing this privacy setting, you can make your notes visible to all Zuper users in your account.
  3. Only me– When you choose this, the notes will be visible only to the user (You) who created the note.
4. After adding the notes, click the "Post Note" button to post the notes. 

5. Upon posting the notes successfully, you can edit/delete or change the privacy settings from Internal to Public or private and vice versa by clicking the "Kebab" icon next to the note. 

6. You can also sort the notes based on the newest or oldest of creation. 


In the right panel, you can view various modules linked to the project or associate them directly with the project, including:

Project manager

The project manager is the one who oversees the planning, execution, and completion of the project. To associate a project manager, follow these steps:

1. Click the "+" icon next to the Project Manager.

2. A pop-up appears. Choose the project manager from the dropdown menu and click the "Submit" button to associate the selected manager with this Project. 

3. Once the project manager has been assigned to this project, you can unassign/change them at any time by clicking the "kebab" icon next to the project manager.


You can add stakeholders apart from a Project Manager as Assignees to a project. In the details page, you can view the assigned users, as well as assign/unassign users. To assign user(s), follow these steps:

1. Click the "+" icon next to Users Assigned. 

2. A sidebar appears on the right with teams and users. Assign a user from the team or assign all users from the team. Once assigned, click the "Update" button to update them. 

3. After assigning, you can manage them by clicking the "edit" icon next to the users assigned.


Here, you can view the details of the organization associated with the project. 


Here, you can view the Customer associated with the Project along with their credits and receivables. 
  1. Credits: It represents the additional amount that the customer has already paid or deposited for previous invoices and can be deducted from future invoices.  
  2. Receivables: It refers to the outstanding amount owed by the customer towards previous invoices. 

If a customer is not associated, you can associate a customer from here. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Customer." A side panel appears on the right. 

2. Choose any of the existing customers associated with the organization from the "Existing Customers" tab. Once chosen, click the "Choose Customer" button. The customer will be added to the project successfully. 

3. If no customer has been associated with the organization, and you like to add a new customer, click the "New Customer" tab. 

4.  Add customer details such as their first name, last name, email, contact information, service address, and billing address. Once done, click the "Create & Choose Customer" button. The Customer will be added to the Project successfully. 

Properties associated

Here, you can view the properties linked to the project as well as associate a new property. To associate a property, follow these steps: 

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Properties Associated." A side panel appears on the right. 

2. Choose any of the existing properties associated with the organization from the "Existing properties" tab. Once chosen, click the "Choose Property" button. The property will be added to the project successfully. 

3.  If no property has been associated with the organization and you want to create a new property, click the "New Property" tab, add details such as property name and address, and click the "Create & Choose Property" button. The property will be added to the Project successfully. 

For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create a new property, click here.

Contracts associated

Here, you can view the contracts related to the project. To add a new contract, follow these steps:

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Contracts Associated." A page appears to create a new contract. 

2. Fill in the contract details such as contract package, contract period, contract type, and so on records. Once done, click the "Save Contract" button. The contract will be added successfully to the asset. 

For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create a new contract in the V3 Zuper Web App, click here

Assets associated

Here, you can view any of the assets linked to the project and associate an asset as well. To associate an asset, follow these steps:

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Assets Associated." A side panel appears on the right. 

2. Choose any of the existing assets associated with the organization/customer from the "Existing Assets" tab. Once chosen, click the "Choose Asset" button. The Asset will be added to the project successfully. 

3. If no assets have been associated with the organization/customer and you would like to create a new asset, click the "New Asset" tab and add details such as asset name, asset code, asset category, and more. Once done, click the "Create & Choose Asset" button. The Asset will be added to the project successfully. 

For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create a new Asset, click here.


You can add files or documents related to the project in the Attachments section. It can either be an image, video, audio, PDF, DOC, XLS, or Zip file that you can attach to the project for more clarity. To add an attachment, follow these steps: 

1. Click the “+” icon next to the Attachments. 

2. Click to upload or drag and drop the file from your computer. Once uploaded, click "Close". You can also preview or remove attachments as needed. 

Note: The maximum file size should be 20 MB.

More Actions

You can find "More Actions" at the top right corner of the details page. Under "More Actions," you can perform additional actions such as clone project, update description, and delete a project. 


When you choose to clone a project, you essentially replicate all the data, and attributes of the original Project to create a new project. This, in turn, saves your time and effort by eliminating the need to manually recreate similar Projects from scratch.

To clone a project, click on "Clone" under More Actions. A new page appears with existing data pre-filled to create a new project. Make necessary changes and click the "Save Project" button to create a new project. 

Update Description 

The update description allows you to quickly update the project description. To update the description, follow these steps:

1. Click "Update Description" under More Actions.
A pop-up appears. Update the changes as required. Once the updates are made, click the "Update" button to save the changes.


The delete option in a project allows you to temporarily remove the project and all associated data. If you want to delete a project, follow these steps:

1. Click "Delete" under More Actions and provide your confirmation. The project will be deleted successfully. 

Note: You can recover the deleted project within 90 days by navigating to Settings > Other Settings > Recovery.

With this information, you can now create and manage various project-related elements such as quotes, proposals, invoices, and jobs. Additionally, you can update project details and status, schedule projects, and add notes. 

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