How to create a new invoice from V3 Zuper Web App?

How to create a new invoice from V3 Zuper Web App?

An invoice is an accounting document that a field service business sends to its clients to request payment for the services rendered. 

1. Select the “Invoices” icon from the left navigation menu and choose “+ New Invoice” to create a new invoice.

2. Choose either "Customer" or an "Organization."

3. Use the "+Add" button to associate the various modules. 

4. A pop-up from the side will appear. Select the module and choose the "Proceed" button. 

5. The billing and service contact information are filled out automatically based on the organization or customer chosen. 

6. Fill in the "Invoice Details" section. 
The mandatory fields are Invoice Date, Payment Term, Expiry Date, and Invoice Template

7. Add the products and services that need to be added to the invoice.

Line Item - Choose this if you want to add any part or service that needs to be included in the invoice. 

Header - If you wish, add the "Line Items" header for identification. 

Item Group - Choose this if you want to add any items that must be included in the invoice.

Custom Line Item - Choose this if you want to add any ad-hoc line item that needs to be included in the invoice. 

8. Select the “Edit” icon next to the “Discount” option.

    9. An “Update Discount” pop-up will appear. Edit the discount, and you can choose either % or USD and click the "Update" button. 

10. Select the “Settings”   icon from the item details section to modify the appropriate discount type. 

11. Other details - If any custom fields are added under the settings, you can fill in the details here.
Click "+Add Attachments" to add the invoice-related attachments. 
Click the “Save as Draft” button to save the invoice.

8. A pop-up appears. Select the “Save as Draft” button. 

11. The invoice is created successfully. 

The invoice payments and discounts are critical and with Zuper's invoice, you can easily create and manage the invoices without any issues. 
Similarly you can modify the discounts of the existing invoices. 

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