How to use the B2B scenario and create new Jobs in V3 Zuper Web App?

How to use the B2B scenario and create new Jobs in V3 Zuper Web App?

Our new feature allows you to create customized jobs for specific organizations or customers, ensuring that business-to-business related work orders are efficiently created with all the necessary details and properties. This feature is especially useful for businesses that work with a large number of clients or customers and need to track and manage a wide range of assets or properties.

Pre-requisites: Either the Organization or Customer Name is mandatory for the Job creation.

Navigation: Jobs --> + Create New Job (Select Organization or Customer)

1. Select the Jobs module from the left panel and click “+Create New Job.”

2. Fill in the sub sections:

A. Job Details Section:

Prefix - The Job prefix is pre-filled from the settings. 

Job Title (Mandatory) - Enter the title of the Job. 

B. Primary Details:

1. Job Category (Mandatory) - Choose the exact Job category from the drop down box. 
While choosing the Job category, the "Check Availability" option will automatically be enabled in the "Job Schedule" section. 
2. Choose / Fill in the Job priority, Job Type, Parent Job (Incase of revisit job),  Job Tags, and Job Description 
Note: All fields listed above are optional. 

3. Click the "Check Availability" button and a pop-up appears. 

The assisted scheduling helps the user while creating a new job,

This allows the user to choose the slot based on the technicians' available time slots and availability slots. 

     i) Select the "Choose Date" option to fix the scheduled date for the job.

    ii) Select the "Choose Team" option to choose the team.

   iii) Select the "Choose a Slot" option to choose the time for the job. 

Select the required skill and service territory.

Click the "Use this Schedule" button. 


3. Choose the required active “Organization” and click the “Select Organization” button.

4. The service address and billing address are pre-filled based on the "Organization or Customer" selected. 

If you want to modify the address, you can type in the address to pick from Map or enter the Geo-Co-ordinates. 
5. Select the "" edit icon to modify the address. Make sure you always choose address or Geo-co-ordinates. 

Add Secondary Contacts:


1. Click the "Settings" icon from the left navigation menu and under the "General Settings," select the "Organization Settings." Choose the "Job Settings" and choose "Yes"  for "Enable Secondary Contacts."

Adding Secondary Contacts

1. Click the “Add Secondary Contacts” button to add the contacts.

2. Now, choose the required secondary contacts (You can select up to 10 secondary contacts).

Note: The secondary contacts are only applicable if they are part of that same organization. 

Service Tasks:

1. Based on the selected job category, the service tasks will be prefilled. If not, you can add manually. Once added, assign user to complete the task. 
To do so, under Assign Users, add a new user by typing the first letter of their name and press Enter to search for them. Once found, select the user and click "Save" to assign the task to them. 

Choose the Employee and click the “Update” button.

2. Select the “Save” button once the Employee is assigned.

3. Select the “Reorder” option to change the sequence of the tasks.



Under the “Tasks” section, select the “Settings” icon to reorder the tasks.  

4.  A “Reorder Service Task” pop-up will appear, drag and drop; up and down to reorder the tasks and select the “Reorder” button.


a. Use the “Ellipsis” icon to reorder the tasks
b. Use the “Kebab”  for the “Move as Sequential” option. 
c. The reorder of tasks is successful.

5. Use the “Link Asset” option to add the assets to the service tasks. 

Use the “Kebab”    icon to view the task actions. Choose the “Link asset” option.   

6. A “Pick an Asset” pop-up will appear. Choose the Asset to link and select the “Choose Asset” button.

      You can choose existing assets or you can choose from the currently assigned assets. 


Select the Asset and click the “Update” button. 


7. The significant actions can be performed on the Job details page as follows:

a.    Edit Asset – This option helps to modify the asset details.

b.    Delete Asset – This option allows delete the asset details.

c.    Clone Task - This option helps to modify the service task details.

d.    Edit Task - This option helps to modify the service task details.

e.    Remove Task - This option removes the service task details from the job. 


9.  Our new feature helps you to add the various parts and services; when we add another group, if there are parts in the group which are already added, it will not create a new line item; instead, only the quantity will get increased. 

a. Choose the required users under the “+Assign Employees” tab.

b. You can add "Line Item, or Item Group, or Custom Line Item."
d. Fill in the "Other Details" (Whatever specified in Custom Job Fields, will be displayed here)
Finally click the "Create Job" button to create a new job. 

8. The new job is created successfully.

In business-to-business scenarios, it is now possible to create jobs using just the organization or customer information. This simplifies the process and allows businesses to efficiently map the properties or assets of their B2B customers. This streamlines the process and helps your business run more smoothly and effectively.

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