How to create a new property in V3 Zuper Web App?

How to create a new property in V3 Zuper Web App?

The property is the physical space occupied by the customer where the field technician performs the service. The property contains a different list of resources and the mapped customer details. Managing the property includes operational maintenance and controlling the real estate, residential or commercial properties. 

1. Select the "Clients" icon from the left navigation panel and choose the Properties icon from the left navigation panel. 

2. Click the "+New Property" button from the top left corner. 

3. Enter the “Primary Information” details as follows:

A)      Select the organization from the “Choose Organization” option.

           B) Tax Preference: If the tax applicable for the property, choose the "Taxable" option.
                If the tax is not applicable for the property, choose the "Tax Exemption" option. 
                Tax Group: Choose the applicable Tax group from the list. 

            C)      Enter the “Property Name” details.

D)      Click on the “Choose File” option to select the required “Property Image.”

E)     Choose the Address option from the map with the “Pick From Map” option. After choosing the address, this will auto-fill the address details such as Landmark, City, State, Country, Zipcode, and Geo-coordinates.

4. Using the pick from map option, choose "Address or Geo-Co-ordinates."

5. Type the address or coordinates and click the "Use this address" button. 

  6. click the “+ Pick Customers” button under the “Customers” section if required. You will get a pop-up to choose the customer using the “+” option. The Customer Name, contact number, Email, and Category will be prefilled.

Select the “+ Add Attachment” option to add the property-related attachments.

Other details - If any custom fields are added under the settings, you can fill in the details here.

Click the “Save Property” button to save the “New Property.

8. Click the “Create” button to save the “New Property.

9. The new property is created successfully. 

Property creation is the primary part of associating it with multiple modules, such as assets and customers. This association allows the service technician to easily provide service to end customers. 
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