How to Create a Quote?

How to Create a Quote?

A quotation also known as estimate is a document that covers the parts or services you’ll need to complete a job and approximately how much they will cost. Quotations are sent to customers before the commencement of a job for acceptance. Once accepted by the customer, technicians will perform the services or replace the parts listed in the quote to complete a job.

A quotation can be created in Zuper in any of the three ways listed below.

  1. Using the Quick Actions Drop-down
  2. From the Quotations Listing Page
  3. From the Job and Customer Details Page

Quick Actions Drop-down

  1. To create a new quote, click on the "New" button on the Quick Actions drop-down. 
  2. Select 'Quote' in the drop-down options.
  3. You will be redirected to the New Quote Form which once filled out and submitted will become a new quote.

Note: If you are unable to see the new quote option, please contact your Zuper Administrator.

Quotations Listing Page

  1. Go to the Quotations Listing Page by selecting the 'Quotations' Module in the Menu.
  2. Click the 'New Quote' button to access the New Quote Form.

Job and Customer Details Page

a) Job Details Page

  1. Go to the Jobs Listing Page by selecting the 'Jobs' Module in the Menu. 
  2. Select the job for which you would like to raise a quote. 
  3. In the Job Details Page, click on the More Actions drop-down
  4. Click the 'New Quote' option in the drop-down to access the New Quote Form.

    Note: A job can have one or multiple quotes associated with it.

b) Customer Details Page

  1. Go to the Customers Listing Page by selecting the 'Customers' Module in the Menu. 
  2. Select the customer for whom you would like to raise a quote. 
  3. On the Customer Details Page, click on the New Quote button.
  4. It will take you to the New Quote Form.

    Note: The user can view the organization names under the customer names of Quotes

Create a Quote:

A quotation also known as estimate is a document that covers the parts or services you’ll need to complete a job and approximately how much they will cost.

Discount Settings

Navigation:  Settings  --> General Settings --> Accounting Settings  --> General Settings --> Discount Options 

Pre-requisites: Pre-define your discounts in the settings.

The overall Discount and line-item level discount can easily be applied to the quotes or invoices. 

Navigation:  Settings  --> General Settings --> Accounting Settings  --> General Settings --> Discount Options 

1. Select the “Settings” icon from the left panel. Under “General Settings,” choose the “Organization Settings.”

2. Under the “Configurations,” select “General Settings,” and you can set the Discount from the “Discount Options.

Discount Type – From the drop-down menu, choose “Percentage” or “Amount” as a discount type.

Apply Discount At – From the drop-down menu, choose “Transaction Level” or “Fixed Line-Item Level” as a discount apply option.

Select the “Save Settings” button to pre-define the settings. 

3. The settings are saved successfully.


You need to pre-define the discount and fees under the parts and services. The pre-defined discount and fees can be added during the Quote and invoice creation. The discount is based on the transaction level or overall billing of the parts and services based on the minimum or maximum value set. The fee is usually the transaction fee applicable for the product.

Pre-define Discount and Fees:

Navigation: Settings --> Parts and Services --> Discount & Fees

1. Select the “Settings” module from the left navigation menu, and under the “Configuration Settings,” click the “Part & Services.
2. From the “Discount & Fees” Section, click the + New Discount / Fee” button.

3. A “Create New Discount / Fee” dialog box appears.

Enter / Select the details.

  1. Discount / Fee Name (Mandatory Field) – Enter the discount or fee name.
  2. Code – Enter the code of the discount or fee.
  3. Type (Mandatory Field) – Select the type from the drop-down list.
  4.  Amount (Mandatory Field) – Enter the % of the amount or applicable USD amount.
  5. Min Amount – Enter the minimum amount applicable for the discount/fee.

Note: Discount code can be applied only if the amount exceeds this minimum limit.

For transaction level discount, the subtotal must be taken. For line-item level discount, the total must be taken (Quantity * Unit Price)

Discount Cap (Maximum value of discount)

Minimum Limit (Only applicable for discount; if a fee is chosen, then Minimum Limit and Discount cap must not be present)

If the amount type is chosen as Fixed, then Discount Cap is not required. It can either be greyed out, or the field need not be displayed.

·       Max Amount – Enter the maximum amount applicable for the discount/fee.

Note: Maximum value of the discount that can be applied:

§ Example: If the total is $ 100,000 if we use a direct discount of 10%, then the discount value is $10000

§ Instead, if the Discount cap is set to $700, then in the above case, the discount value will be $700.


4. The new discount/fee is created successfully.


Create Quote:

1. Select the “Quotes” icon from the left panel and choose “+ New Quote” to create a new quote.

2. Fill in the Customer and Job details.

Add Item Header

3. Add the required parts and services and click the “Add Item Header” button. 

4. . Enter the “Header” name and click the “Update” button.

5. The header and parts and services are added successfully.


Discount and Fee Master:

4. Select the “Edit” icon next to the “Discount” option.

    5. An “Update Line Item” pop-up will appear. Edit the following details:

6. Select the “Settings”   icon from the item details section to modify the appropriate discount type. 


7. click the   icon to update the discount. 

8. A dialog box will appear; choose the pre-defined discount, and other fields will auto-populate based on the pre-defined settings. 
Click the “Update” button. 

9. The discount is updated successfully.

10. Click the “Add Fee” button to add the fee to the Quote.

11. . A dialog box will appear; choose the pre-defined fee, and other fields will auto-populate based on the pre-defined settings.

Click the “Add Fee” button. 

12. The fee is added successfully.

13. Select the “Save as Draft” option to save the invoice.

8. A pop-up appears. Select the “Save as Draft” button. 

11. The quote is created successfully. 

You can also choose "Transaction Level" discount by modifying the "Require Line Item Approval" as "No".
(Settings --> General Settings --> Organization Settings --> Quotes and Invoices Settings --> Require Line Item Approval --> No).

The estimates are important part when comes to field service and with Zuper's quotes, you can easily create, update and send quotes to the customer in easy steps. 

Rejected / Declined Quotation Modifications:

Navigation: Accounting --> Quotations --> Quote --> Edit Quote

The edit option is enabled for the deactivated and rejected quotes. This helps the user to recover the rejected quotes.

1.  Select the "Accounting" module from the left panel and choose the “Quotations” module and select the “Edit” icon. 

2. Under the “More” option drop-down, choose the “Edit Quote” option.

3. Modify the necessary quote details and select the “Save as Draft” option.

4. Select the “Save as Draft” button to modify the quote.

5. The quotation details are updated successfully.

Whenever businesses want to recover declined or rejected quotes, our new update helps them to edit the recovered quotes easily. 

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