How to add your users and manage teams

How to add your users and manage teams

You can add your team members (field technicians, dispatchers, etc,.) manually, or through a bulk import of users. You must be an admin to add users to your Zuper account. 

You can create your first user under the "Users" section from:

Navigation: Settings -> General Settings -> Users & Teams -> + New User 

Teams in Zuper are used to group & manage your users to handle the job process. How you set up your teams depends on how you would like to define your job workflow and organize your field technicians. You can create teams by service location/territory or by skills or to reflect the trade they serve. For example, a team might serve only customers in a certain location or trade. Please note that you need to have at least one team in your account to start assigning jobs to your technicians

Navigation: Settings --> General Settings --> Users & Teams --> Manage Team --> + New Team

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