How to integrate and use Shopify with Zuper?

How to integrate and use Shopify with Zuper?

Zuper-Shopify Integration provides a convenient way to manage your work orders and assets while keeping your customer data safe and secure.

With this powerful integration, you can easily create work orders from Shopify which will be scheduled, dispatched, and fulfilled using Zuper and updated back in your Shopify order once the job is complete.

Best of all, this two-way integration helps ensure that your field service processes running smoothly from start to finish.

Pre-Requisites: Zuper API Key and Shopify OAuth 
Note: When they click on install in our app store, they will be presented with this screen to give permission to their Shopify account. This process is called OAuth.

A. How to connect your Shopify with Zuper? 

B. How does Zuper – Shopify Integration work?

C. How to uninstall your Shopify with Zuper? 

A. How to connect your Shopify with Zuper? 

1. Open a new tab in your browser once you are logged in to your Zuper Account.

Click your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.

2. Under the “Browse by Category,select the “Commerce” option and choose “Shopify.”

3. Click on the “Install Shopify” button.

Note: With Zuper and Shopify tabs open, you can switch between the tabs for integration. Switch to the Zuper tab on your browser and log in to your Zuper account. 

Update Zuper Settings by configuring the following fields:

a. Store Domain (Mandatory Field– Enter the store section name from your Shopify app.

b. Identify Customer By (Mandatory Field– You can use either an email ID or Name for the identification.

c. Create Product Masters (Mandatory Field) – The list of products present in Zuper. You can choose either “Yes” or “No” to sync the product masters from your Shopify account.

d. Select Job Type – You can either choose “Single Job for Order” to create a work order as a single or “Separate Job for Order” to form multiple work orders for each item. 

e. Create Line Item as Asset (Mandatory Field) – You can either choose “Yes” or “No” for the asset formation from the line item.

f. Close Shopify order upon Zuper Status (Mandatory Field) – Enter the Zuper status against which the Shopify order will be closed.

g. Default Job Category UID in Zuper (Mandatory Field) – Enter the unique Zuper’s work order categorization id. (Contact Zuper Support team to fetch this ID).

h. Default Due Date in Zuper (Mandatory Field) – Enter the number of days for the work order completion from the current day.

i. Product Categories in Shopify to consider for Asset – A list of product types from Shopify that need to be considered as Assets can be entered here. (For instance: Refrigerator, AC unit).

Note: To add multiple product categories, use a comma to differentiate each category.

Note: If the user does not specify the product category, then for all the products of Shopify, assets will be created in Zuper.

j. Shopify Note Attributes to Sync – The custom fields of Shopify are entered here for sync with Zuper.

k. Zuper API Key (Mandatory Field) - Enter the Zuper API key.(Click here: How to generate Zuper API Key).

l. Default Product Category Name in Zuper (Mandatory Field) You can push all the products under a single category in Zuper from Shopify.

m. Shopify Tag to Zuper Job Category Mapping (Mandatory Field) The tags are to identify work orders of Shopify to identify the same in Zuper.

Select the “Update” button to connect Shopify app with Zuper. 

B. How does Zuper – Shopify Integration work?

1. log in to your Shopify account and create a work order by choosing the Customer, Product, and relevant tags.

2. Switch to a new tab, log in to your Zuper account, select the Jobs module, and view the Job created from Shopify. 

As per the details given in the Shopify account, the relevant details will be fetched in Zuper as per the integration settings.

You can view the Shopify Order ID, and an URL can track Shopify Order Status and Work Order
under the custom fields section.

Note: Based on the Product Master settings during integration, if the setting is turned to “Yes,” the product will be captured as “Parts and Services.” If the setting is turned to “No,” the product will be taken as only a custom line item, which won’t save the product.

3, Now switch the tab in your browser and fulfill your Shopify order.

4. The fulfilled order of Shopify will create Assets in Zuper. Based on the quantities given in Shopify, Zuper will create individual assets.
Note: For instance: Different Asset serial numbers 001 and 002 of 2 ACs with the same Asset code will be captured in Zuper.

5. The list of assets and the asset’s status can be tracked from Zuper’s Assets module.

C. How to Uninstall Shopify from Zuper? 

1. Open a new tab in your browser once you are logged in to your Zuper Account.

Click on your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Commerce” option and choose “Shopify.”

3. Click the “Uninstall App” button.

4.  The Shopify app is uninstalled successfully.

Once the Zuper status is updated as “Completed,” the Shopify order will be automatically marked as “Closed.”

The Zuper-Shopify integration makes service delivery even simpler by helping technicians fulfill those requests effectively by accurately capturing the service address, streamlining the workflows, and moving work orders from start to finish smoothly. Shopify users can make their field operations quick, efficient, and reliable with this integration.

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