How to integrate and use QuickBooks Desktop with Zuper?

How to integrate and use QuickBooks Desktop with Zuper?

Zuper – QuickBooks Desktop Integration

  1.  The QuickBooks integration helps us push data from Zuper, such as Customers, Parts and services, Quotes, Invoices, and Payments, to QuickBooks.
  1.  The records pushed from Zuper will be reflected in the web connector, and if you have enabled auto sync, the records will be synced automatically; if not, you should update the records manually. 

How to Install QuickBooks Desktop?

1. Open a new tab in your browser once logged in to your Zuper Account.
Click on your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.”

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Private Apps” option and choose “QuickBooks Desktop.”

3. Click on the “Install QuickBooks Desktop” button.

4. Update Zuper Settings by configuring the following fields:

 a. Zuper API Key (Mandatory) – To create the Zuper API, refer to the article (How do I create an API Key for my Zuper account?). 

b. QuickBooks Desktop Data File Location (Mandatory) – Enter the exact QuickBooks Desktop Data file location. The data file should be taken from QuickBooks. In QuickBooks Desktop, Press Fn+F2 to get the data file location. 

c. QuickBooks Desktop Connector Username (Mandatory) - Enter the QuickBooks Desktop Connector Username.


d. QuickBooks Desktop Connector Password (Mandatory)  Enter the QuickBooks Desktop Connector Password.


e. Push Customers (Mandatory)   -  Upon selecting the option as "Yes" customer will be pushed one-way from Zuper - QuickBooks. If you choose “Yes,” then we will sync the creation from the master itself. If you choose “No,” then only while pushing an invoice, quote or any other transactions, the customer will be created.


f. Push Estimates (Mandatory)  Upon selecting the option as "Yes" estimates will be pushed one-way from Zuper - QuickBooks. If  you choose "No," then Estimates items won't be pushed from Zuper to QuickBooks.


g. Push Services & Products (Mandatory)  Upon selecting the option as "Yes" services & products will be pushed one-way from
Zuper – QuickBooks. I
f you choose “No” then services and products will be pushed, when we push Invoice/Quote to the Quick Books Desktop. 


h.  Invoice Status to Trigger Push (Mandatory)   - You must choose the invoice's status from the drop-down menu. Based on the invoice status selected here, the push will happen.

i.  Estimate / Invoice ID (Mandatory)  - If You select Zuper ID, then Zuper Estimate / Invoice ID will be appearing in QuickBooks Desktop.
If you select QuickBooks Desktop ID, whatever sequence you have in QuickBooks Desktop, that will be taken as an Invoice ID.  

j.  Identify Customer in Zuper-QuickBooks (Mandatory)  — You must choose the applicable Customer format that you want get displayed in QuickBooks Desktop.  

k. Use QuickBooks as Tax Master (Mandatory)  – Upon selecting "Yes", QuickBooks Desktop will be the primary source for tax-related information such as tax rates and codes. If "No" is selected, then Zuper will be the primary source for Tax. 

NotesNote: If you have chosen QuickBooks as your tax master, you should create the same tax in Zuper for the taxes to match and apply it to QuickBooks Desktop. If they are using Zuper as a tax master, then while pushing a transaction, we will create a tax zone by default.

l. Default QuickBooks Payment Account (Mandatory) — You must enter the default QuickBooks Payment chart of accounts for which the default account will be impacted.


m. Use Different Discount Accounts in QuickBooks (Mandatory)  — Upon selecting "Yes", the different discount accounts will be used in QuickBooks, the discount account is specified in the Discount Name. If "No" is selected, then we will create default discount account in QuickBooks Desktop.


Select the “Update” button to connect QuickBooks Desktop with Zuper. 

1. Open a new tab in your browser once logged in to your Zuper Account.

Click on your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.”

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Accounting and Payments” option and choose “QuickBooks Desktop.”

3. Click on the “Install QuickBooks Desktop” button.

4. Once you have done the configuration setting in Zuper.

Zuper provides the option to Download the QWC authentication file.

Click “Download QWC File.”

5. Open Quickbooks web connector, click "File," and then "Update Web Services." You will then see the following pop-up:

 Click "Add an Application."

7. You will then be asked to select an answer for whether you want to allow the application to read and modify this company file.

Select "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running.” Login as “Admin.”

Click “Continue” to set up the web connector.

8.  Open Web Connector and click the checkbox next to Zuper Pro at the far left of your screen. Click “Auto-Run” checkbox.

Enter Zuper Pro password and press "Ok". It will ask you if you want to save the password; select yes to save your web connector password.

When both progress bars reach 100%, we have successfully downloaded your data from QuickBooks Desktop. Next, we’ll upload it to our servers and then into your account.

This process can take  some time depending on how much data you have. You must maintain a stable internet connection until this process is complete.


The QuickBooks – Zuper integration is successfully done. 


How to Uninstall QuickBooks Desktop?

1. Open a new tab in your browser once logged in to your Zuper Account.

Click on your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.”

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Accounting and Payments” option and choose “QuickBooks Desktop.”

3. Click the “Uninstall App” button.

4. QuickBooks Desktop App is uninstalled successfully. 

Integrating QuickBooks Desktop with Zuper can enrich and enhance operations by ensuring seamless data transfer between your accounting software and field service management system.
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