How to integrate and use FieldNation with Zuper?

How to integrate and use FieldNation with Zuper?

FieldNation is an on-demand field workforce platform that connects businesses with skilled technicians.

The user can push their work order details from Zuper to FieldNation, but any status updates & other updates are pushed to Zuper from FieldNation. All the job-related information gets synced in both FieldNation and Zuper. 

A. How to Install FieldNation from Zuper? 

1. Once you are logged in to your Zuper Account, click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the screen & click on “App Store.”

2. Select the "Workforce and Time Tracking" option and choose “FieldNation.” Select the “Install App” button.

3. Fill in the following fields to connect Zuper and Fieldnation.

    i)    Zuper API Key (Mandatory Field)Enter the Zuper API key.(Click here: How to generate Zuper API Key).

  ii)   Environment  (Mandatory Field) – Enter the Zuper’s Environment name. This can be either "Sandbox" or " Production."

 iii)   Field Nation OAuth Client ID  (Mandatory Field) - Enter the OAuth Client ID from the Field Nation account. 

 iv)    Field Nation OAuth Client Secret  (Mandatory Field) Enter the OAuth Client Secret from the Field Nation account. 
Note: The customer needs to have account in Field Nation with Rest API and Webhooks to get the FieldNation OAuth Client ID and Client Secret.  
NotesNote: The "Copy link" button will not work in Rest API.       
Notes Note: The "Generate New Secret" button should be clicked and get the new client ID and client secret, and then copy paste from the pop-up and same should be copied in the offline to replace the existing clients ID and client secret. 

Note: The old "Client ID and Client Secret" should be replaced with the existing copied Client ID and client secret respectively. 

   v)   Field Nation User Name (Mandatory Field) – Enter the user name of the Field Nation.

   vi)  Field Nation Password (Mandatory Field) – Enter the password of the Field Nation.

 viii)  Push to Field Nation on  (Mandatory Field)  The action to push data to Field Nation whenever, "Status Update" or "Assignment" or "Status Update and Assignment." 
Note: If you have selected "Status Update" or "Status Update and Assignment" as the option here, you should have active "Status" present for a Job category in Zuper. 

ix)  Work Order Creation Status –Enter the status of the work order from Field Nation.

x)   Work Order Creation User and Team  Enter the user and team name of the work order creation. The recommended format for the input: User and Team should have ":" Colon separator, followed by ";" semi colon separator for the next set.  (A sample format: Alex: Team California; Peter: Team NewYork). 
xi)   Category Mapping – Map the category of the Field Nation with Zuper, separated by the “Semi-Colon” ;

xii)  Sync Notes from Field Nation to Zuper – Select "Yes" to sync notes from Field Nation to Zuper and Select "No" to avoid sync notes from Field Nation to Zuper. 

xiii)  Sync attachments from Field Nation to Zuper – Select "Yes" to sync attachments from Field Nation to Zuper and Select "No" to avoid sync attachments from Field Nation to Zuper.

Select the “Update” button to integrate Zuper with Field Nation.

Field Nation and Zuper Fields' equivalent:

   Field Nation

     On My Way
  On My Way
     Work Done
  On Hold

B. How does Zuper - FieldNation Integration Work?

 Sync Work orders from the Zuper to FieldNation::
1. The type of work and the payment details are updated in the Zuper and synced with the FieldNation based on the category mapping.

2. The schedule details and attachments on FieldNation are updated on Zuper.

3. FieldNation job details can be tracked from Zuper in a single click. Under Zuper’s Jobs module. Below the “Other Details” section, you can refer to the FieldNation ID and choose the “Open Link” option to check FieldNation’s work order.

4. The Job scheduled time can be tracked from Zuper. 

C. How to Uninstall FieldNation from Zuper? 

1. Once you are logged in to your Zuper Account, click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the screen & click on “App Store.”

2. Select the "Workforce and Time Tracking" option and choose “FieldNation.” Select the “Install App” button.

3. Click on the “Uninstall App” button.

4. The Field Nation app is uninstalled successfully.

The business can easily ensure that work order gets updated on Zuper in sync with FieldNation. In addition, with the bi-directional data flow, job details get updated on both apps (FieldNation & Zuper). 

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