This glossary describes key concepts, terminology, and modules in your Zuper app. It's a good place to get started learning how to set up your Zuper app to meet your unique business needs.
@ - Dashboard - Jobs - Customers - Users & Teams - Quotes - Parts & Services - Timesheets - Maps - Invoices - Contracts - Assets
Jobs - Also known as work orders, are the heart of the Zuper app, outlines scheduled activities
Job Title -Offers a brief description of the selected job, need not be unique or comprehensive
Job Category - Enables businesses to group and categorize the list of services they offer, i.e., disinfection, cleaning, repair, etc.
Job Priority - Allows supervisors and admins to communicate the importance of a job. Each job is prioritized as low, medium, high, or urgent.
Job Type - Specifies whether it is a brand-new job or another revisit/follow-up job
Parent Job - Refers to a list of previous jobs completed for the customer, used while creating a follow-up job
Job Recurrence - The time interval at which the job is set to repeat for the same client automatically
Job Start Time - The time by which a job must be started by the field agent or service technician
Job End Time - The time by which a job must be completed by the service technician
Job Tags - A named attribute that is assigned to a job for easy association with similar jobs
Job Description - Gets detailed information about a specific job using rich-text format, image attachments, videos, etc.
Job Custom Fields - Customizable fields used to capture data that is required to complete a job
Job Status - Displays the status of a job updated by the service technician assigned to the job, their respective team leaders, or the back office administrator
Job Service Address - Displays the address where the job needs to be performed
Job Notes - Shows follow-up communication added by internal stakeholders in rich text format (text/images/video)
Job Activity - A record of every step that happens from the start to finish of a job
Job Messages - Displays all real-time messages between back-office staff and service technicians
Clone Job - Used to create an exact replica of a specific job
Job Card - Shares a summary of the job in a PDF format to the customer post-completion
Job Filters - Helps drill down jobs with a range of field-filter combinations that can be saved for future use
Delete Job - Used to delete the selected job permanently from the system, once deleted it cannot be recovered
Job Export - Used to expose job information to an external source based on an array of parameters like date, category, team, and more
Job Assignment - Enables team leaders to delegate jobs to a specific field agent, he/she is responsible for getting the job done
Status Rollback - Reverts the status of a job to its previous state, all rollbacks are well-reasoned and recorded in the activity
Job Reschedule - Used to postpone or prepone the job to a specific date, all requests are prompted to key in a justification for the reschedule
Job Checklist - Represents a dynamic form that needs to filled before updating a job status
Customer First Name - Captures the first name of a specific customer
Customer Last Name - Records the last name of a specific customer
Company Name - Name of the organization your customer belongs to, optional
Customer Email - Captures the email address of a specific customer
Customer Category - Used to group customers based on the nature of services, namely commercial and residential
Customer Tags - A named attribute used to differentiate and group customers
Account Manager - User who acts as a liaison between this customer and the organization
Customer Description - Outlines vital details about the customer and job they usual need done
Customer Contact - Home - The phone number of the house or apartment where the customer resides
Customer Contact - Mobile - The contact number of the customer's mobile phone
Customer Contact - Work - The official contact number of the customer that is used for work-related calls
Customer Service - Address Displays the address where the customer wants the job to be performed
Customer Billing Address - Captures the billing address of a specific customer
User Code - The unique identification code given to every user
First Name - Captures the first name of an user
Last Name - Records the last name of an user
Email - Notes down the email address of a customer, it needs to be unique
Designation - Captures the official title of an user
Role - Lists down three out-of-box roles that can be assigned, namely, administrator, supervisor or team leader, and service technician
Access Role - Settings that determine user permissions across the product
Work Number - The contact number of the user that is used only for work-related calls
Home Number - The phone number of the house or apartment where the specific user lives
Work Hours - Used to define standard work pattern for users, i.e., 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM based on a specific day, allows variations
Team Name - Grouping method used to organize users by department, nature of work, etc.
Team Description - Used to provide a detailed description of the work a specific team does
Team Color - The visual differentiation used to group users by a specific team
Quote Prefix - The custom prefix used before a continuous and serial number
Quote No - A unique number generated by the system in an increasing order when the quotation is created
Reference Number - Helps associate the quote with an external system
Quote Date - Offers an estimate with detailed prices, by default the date is set to current date but can be manually overridden
Expiry Date - Denotes the end date of a fixed period for which the listed price is valid
Quote Template - Helps create ready-to-use quotations that can be sent to the cx once the assessment is done
Quote Tags - Named attributes used to group quotations into specific categories
Quote Line Items - Lists down products or services that must be performed, can pick one from existing database or create a custom line item
Quote Attachments - Used to justify the price of a quotation, i.e., image, purchase order, and more
Quote Status - Depicts the progress of a quotation, comprises of predefined statuses like draft, sent to customer, accepted/declined, cancelled, and archived
Print Quote - Prompts the system to print a specific quotation in the chosen template
Share Quote - Displays a shareable version of the current quotation which can be mailed to the customer
Clone Quote - Used to create an exact replica of the quotation displayed
Mark as Accepted - Prompts a status change once the customer accepts the quote, can be marked by the customer or internal stakeholders
Mark as Declined - Lists down quotes that did not meet customer expectations, can be changed by customers or service technicians
Cancel Quote - Used to void quotes that were raised incorrectly, can be changed only by back office staff, technicians, and team leads
Archive Quote - Removes the quotation data from the live database but retains a read-only copy that cannot be edited further
Part Number - An unique identifier that is used to track the consumption of a specific part
Part Name - Used to simply reference to a specific part within a serviced product
Part Category - Helps group parts based on different stock types
Brand - Displays the name of the brand that manufactured a specific part
Specification - Used to describe technical specifications of the part being serviced
Available Quantity - Number of items available in the organization's inventory
Minimum Quantity - Displays the minimum number of items that must be maintained in the inventory, when stock level drops below minimum an automated email is sent to the admin
Unit Purchase Price - The minimum cost used to purchase one specific part mentioned
Unit Selling Price - The amount charged by the organization for a single part
Part Manual - Stores the user manual of a specific part as a PDF attachment, used for reference by rookie technicians
Track Quantity (Yes/No) - When checked, it auto-updates the quantity available in the inventory
Part Description - Describes the part and offers additional information about its usage, shelf life, and more
Part Availability by Location - Tracks and displays the availability of a specific part by its location, can be configured to capture one or more places where inventory is stored
Part Attachment Files - Offers more information about the job status. i.e., videos and images about the selected part
Part Availability Used - to tell users whether the product is in stock or not
Inward Transaction - Specifies instances when the stock of a part is replenished
Outward Transaction - Captures scenarios where parts from the inventory are used or taken out by technicians
Transfer Stock - Used when parts/products are moved from one location to another
Delete Part - Archives all information about a specific product/part but still displays them in old job cards
Punch-In or Check-In - Records time of an user or beginning work by punching a time clock
Take Break - The time at or during which the user takes a break
Resume Work - The time when an user continues to work after an intervention
Punch-Out or Check-Out - Used to register an user's departure from work
Timesheet Location - Displays a list of predefined locations (set by the business) that can be chosen by internal stakeholders while logging in
Timesheet Defaulters - Captures service technicians who fail to punch-in during their shift time
Timesheet Approval - Helps supervisors/team leaders approve the timesheet of service technicians in their team
Timeoff Request - Facilitates businesses to track service technicians or field executives who are on leave for that specific day
Approve or Reject Timeoff - Allows team leaders to approve or reject the time-off request of a service , once approved the technician is made unavailable for jobs
Timeoff Reason - Captures additional information why service technicians need to take the day off
Live Tracking - Used to track the real-time location of a specific service technician
Nearby Jobs - Helps service technicians agents to find jobs that are closer to their current location
Location History - Lists down all locations service technicians have visited over a specific date
Invoice No - A unique number generated by the system in an increasing order when the invoice is created
Invoice Prefix - The custom prefix used before the pre-defined, continuous invoice number
Reference Number - Enables to reference an ID from an external system and associate it with a specific invoice
Invoice Date - The date when an invoice with detailed price and service information is created, by default it is set to current date but can be manually overridden
Payment Term - Specifies the duration by which the customer has to make payment for the product/service availed
Invoice Due Date - The last date a payment can be made on an invoice before it is considered to be overdue
Invoice Template - Helps create ready-to-use quotations that can be sent to the cx once the job is completed
Invoice Tags - Named attributes that are used to group invoices into specific categories
Invoice Line Items - Refers to a service or product consumed, along with any quantities and prices that pertain to them
Invoice Discount - Specifies the discount applied to a quote or line item listed as a part of the invoice process
Invoice Attachments - Comprises of files and supporting documents that justify the price mentioned in an invoice
Print Invoice - Prompts the system to print a copy of the invoice that is displayed
Send Invoice - Shares a copy of the invoice with other stakeholders like clients, lenders, and more
Invoice Status - Lists down various predefined statuses like draft, sent, paid, partially paid, bad debt, cancelled, and archived
Mark as Sent - Typically tells the system that the invoice has been shared with the respective client
Mark as Paid - Used to track the sales and the payment status of an invoice at a glance
Collect Due Amount - Collects the amount due for payment, the invoice number, and the invoice date
Create Job from Invoice - Triggers the system to create a new job from the comments or line-items in an invoice
Clone Invoice - Used to create and edit an exact replica of the selected invoice
Archive Invoice - Removes the invoice from the live database but retains a copy
Cancel Invoice - Voids and removes an incorrectly raised invoice from the system
Invoice Activity - Used to track the audit trail and actions performed on a specific invoice
Payment History - Acts as an evidence for repayment, displays breakdowns of customer payments over the payment term
Contract Package - Refers to the service agreement between the business and the customer, lists down services that need to be performed, timeline, and other vital information
Contract Prefix - A custom prefix used to differentiate contracts of various types and length
Contract Name - Offers a brief description of the specific contract, neither unique nor comprehensive
Contract Reference No - Helps a business associate a specific contract with an external ID
Contract Term (in Months) - Outlines the duration during which the contract is valid and the customer is entitled to get service
Contract Start Date - The effective date on which the contractual terms commence officially
Contract Expiry Date - The last date on which the contractual terms are set to expire
Activation Date - A date selected to start the provision of services as outlined in the contract
Contract Type (New/Renewal) - A list of different contractual types that an organization opts in for
Contract Description - Outlines obligations, breaches, and the scope of work that is covered by the contract
Contract Services - List of services a customer is entitled to receive over the course of a contract
Contract - Invoice Billing Period - Displays the frequency (monthly, quarterly, yearly) at which the customer is billed
Generate Invoice Before - Captures the number of days before which the invoice needs to be generated for a specific contract
Payment Term - Specifies the duration by which the customer has to make payment for the product/service availed
Contract Template - Creates and stores ready-to-use quotations that can be sent to the customer once the contract terms are finalized
Autogenerate Invoice - Enables the system to auto-generate invoices based on the pre-defined billing period
Contract Attachments - Supporting documents that offer more information about the contract
Contract Package - Refers to the service agreement between the business and the customer, lists down services that need to be performed, timeline, and other vital information
Contract Prefix - A custom prefix used to differentiate contracts of various types and length
Contract Name - Offers a brief description of the specific contract, neither unique nor comprehensive
Contract Reference No - Helps a business associate a specific contract with an external ID
Contract Term (in Months) - Outlines the duration during which the contract is valid and the customer is entitled to get service
Asset - An item owned by an organization or the customer which is present at the customer service location
Asset Code - A machine-readable code printed on assets with the intention to track them properly
Asset Name - The specific name by which an asset is known or recognized. Example: Samsung 1 ton A/C
Asset Category - Used to group assets into categories like HVAC, cleaning, and more
Asset Quantity - Keeps track of the number of assets available in an organization's inventory
Asset Image - Displays a picture of the selected asset and is accessible in the asset database
Asset Serial No(s) - A string ID (letters, digits, & dashes) used to identify a business-owned or customer-owned asset
Asset Ownership - Used to describe the legal ownership details of material assets
Purchase Date - The date on which an asset is purchased, used to track asset lifecycle
Purchase Price - The cost at which an asset was initially purchased, used to calculate the ROI
Warranty Expiry Date - Specifies the date until which the asset is covered by the manufacturer warranty
Placed in Service - The date on which an asset is installed at a customer's location
Residual Price - Reflects the cost or worth of the asset at the end of its useful life
Useful Life - The amount of time a specific asset is expected to be functional and fit-for-usage
Asset Parts - Helps associate spare parts (available in inventory) with respective assets
Clone Asset - Creates an exact replica of the selected asset information page
Asset Attachments - Used to maintain a record of asset related documents like manual, warranty card, and more
PPM - Known as planned preventative maintenance, refers to regular cadence performed on an asset to ensure proper functioning
PPM Schedule Views - Helps businesses keep track of all upcoming PPMs in a calendar-like view