What are service contracts?

What are service contracts?

Service contracts are signed with the customers to offer services for a continuous period. Therefore, the agreement can constantly be renewed or terminated after the period is over. 

A terminated contract implies that the client no longer needs your services. To continue the relationship, Contracts are renewed.

Service contracts in the Zuper dashboard show the following information according to the job split up.

1. Active Contracts: Contracts that are active and are valid till the current date.

2. Pending Approval: New incoming contracts sent to customers and existing contracts sent to customers for renewal have not been accepted or approved by the customer.

3. Expired contracts: Contracts whose due date has exceeded and either have to be terminated or renewed by the customer.

4. On hold: Contracts that are still on hold are suspended for a particular time frame.

5. Expiring in 7 days: Contracts which are bound to expire in a week.


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