How to configure timesheets in the Zuper web app?

How to configure timesheets in the Zuper web app?

To use the timesheets module efficiently, it is important to configure Timesheet settings. You need to set the approval hierarchy for the timesheets. The regular timeoff is listed under the module, but you can specify the custom leave types under the settings. The recurring shifts are pre-defined under the settings and the shifts are mapped to the user under the timesheets module. 

 Configuring timesheets

1. Select the “Settings” icon from the left navigation menu. Under Configuration Settings, choose “Timesheet Settings.” You can configure the following options: 

  1. Approval Settings
  2. Timeoff Request Settings
  3. Master Shifts

Approval Settings

In this section, you can view the approval hierarchy levels for approving requests submitted by users within a team, and you can create a new approval hierarchy. To create a new approval hierarchy, follow these steps:

1. Click “+ New Hierarchy” at the top right corner. A pop-up appears.

2. In the pop-up, fill in the following fields and click the “Save Hierarchy” button. 
  1. Choose Team*- Select the team from the dropdown to which the Hierarchy applies.
  2. Choose User*- Select the user from the dropdown who needs to be added to the Hierarchy.

  1. Enter Hierarchy Level*- Enter the Hierarchy level (e.g., 1, 2) for the selected user. 

3. After saving the hierarchy, you can remove a user from it. To do so, select the respective team and click the "Delete" icon in the action column.
Note: Once a hierarchy is added, any user request within a team will follow this approval process.

Timeoff request settings

In this section, you can view and add new time-off request types. For each request type, you can specify whether it is paid or unpaid and the number of days allocated. To add a new time-off request type, follow these steps:

1. Click “+ New Timeoff Request Type” at the top right corner.  A pop-up appears.

2. In the pop-up, fill in the following fields and click the “Save Request Type” button. 
  1. Request Type Name*- Enter the name for the request.
  2. Type*- Select the type of request, whether it is Paid or Unpaid.

  1. Number of Days Allowed (IN A YEAR) *- Enter the number of days the time off can be used in a year.      
3. After saving the request type, you can remove or edit using the Delete or Edit icon available under the Action column. 

Note: The time-off requests you add here will appear as options under "Reason" when applying time off for a user.

Master shifts

In this section, you can view and add new shift. For each shift type, you can specify the from and to time, frequency, and more. To add a new shift, follow these steps:

1. Click “+ New Shift” at the top right corner. A pop-up appears.

2. In the pop-up, enter Shift Details and click the “Save” button 
  1. SHIFT NAME*: Provide a name for the shift.
  2. FROM TIME*: Enter the start time for the shift.

  1. TO TIME*: Enter the end time for the shift.
  2. CHOOSE FREQUENCY*: Select the frequency of the shift (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly).
  3. REPEAT EVERY*: Specify the interval for the frequency (e.g., every 1 day, every 2 weeks, etc.).
3. After saving the shift, you can remove/edit using the Delete and Edit icon available under the Action column. 

Note:  The shift type you add here will appear as an option under "choose shift" when creating a new shift for a user.

These configurations will help ensure that your timesheet module is tailored to meet your organization's needs, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness.
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