Quotes Form Overview

Quotes Form Overview

Being a crucial part of the quotation process, the New Quote Form holds an array of important fields, sections, and tables. Here's all you need to know about the components of your New Quotes Form.

Customer & Job Details Section

This section captures all essential customer and job-related information that is required to raise a quotation

On the Mobile Page, to add a customer and a Job: 

Choose a Customer 
  1. If you have your customer information uploaded into your Zuper account and ready in your Zuper Web-App, all you need to do to fill out this page is click on the Choose Customer field. It will open a dialog that displays a list of all your existing customers.
  2. You can search your customers by their Name, Email Address, and Phone Number in the Search Customers field. 
  3. Locate the specific customer and click on Select Customer to auto-populate their information in the New Quote Form.
  4. The “Service Address” and “Billing Address” options are now captured in the customer details section. Now you can mark “Service Address” same for the billing address in a single click.  

View invoice details under the quotation details page:

Navigation:  Accounting --> Payments --> Quotations --> Invoices Created

The invoices created against the estimates are viewed under the quotations. This helps to identify the invoices created from the quotes. 

1. Select the "Accounting" module from the left panel and choose the “Quotations” module. Under “Actions,” select  the view icon. 

2. The “Invoices Created” section helps you view the list of created invoices from the quotations.

The quotations are converted into invoices, and with the new update, users can easily view the invoices under the quotations module. 

Note: If you would like to create a quote for a new customer, click on the New Customer link near the Choose Customer picker. 

Choose a Job

Once you have selected the customer, you need to associate a job with the quote. You can do this by clicking on the Choose Job
field. It will open a dialog that displays a list of all your jobs for the selected customer

Note: In case, the job has any associated line items (i.e., parts or services) they will be auto-copied to the quotation's Item Details section.

  • You can filter jobs by their Title, From Date, and To Date
  • Locate the specific job and click on Select Job to auto-populate information in the New Quote Form.
  • Quote Details Section

    This section captures all pertinent information about the quote.

    1. Quote Prefix- The custom prefix used before a continuous and serial number
    2. Reference Number- Helps associate the quote with an external system 
    3. Quote Date- By default the date is set to the current date but can be manually overridden
    4. Expiry Date- Denotes the end date of a fixed period until which the listed price is valid (you can also set a default expiry period in your Settings Page)
    5. Quote Template- Helps create ready-to-use quotations that can be sent to the customer in the form of PDF (you can have one or multiple templates which can be configured in your Settings Page)
    6. Quote Tags- Named attributes used to group quotations into specific categories

    Item Details Section

    This section is used to add any parts or services or any custom line item to this quote. 

    1. Clicking on the “Add Item” will open a dialog with the list of parts and services used to complete the job.   mceclip2.png
    2. To narrow down your search, you can either choose to Filter by Category, Pick a Type, or Search Line Items using their ID or name.
    3. If you would like to add a new custom line item, click on the Create New Custom Line Item link near the dialog header. Once you have filled out the Name, Description, Unit Price, and Quantity, you can click on the Create New Line Item button
    4. .
    5. Once you find the right part or service, verify the Location, Price, and Quantity before clicking on the “Add” button. (Note: You can also edit the price and quantity of the parts or service if required.)

    Note: Once the item has been added, if you would like to add a discount to the quotation, you can do so by clicking on the edit icon in the Item Details table. 


    You can either apply a fixed value discount or a percentage discount. 

    You can either apply a fixed value discount or a percentage discount.  
    On the Mobile Page, to add line items: 



    You can add attachments in the form of files (image or document) to support the pricing for the quote.

    1. Click on Add Attachment to add an attachment to the quote.

    2. It will prompt open an Add Attachment dialog. 


    3. Enter the Attachment Name and Choose File to associate the attachment with a quote.

    On Mobile Page, to add new attachments: 


    Preview & Send

    1. As you enter all your quote-related information, you will be able to preview it on the right side of your New Quote Form page.
    2. Once you have filled out all required information, you can either choose Save as Draft to store the quote as a draft or click on Save and Send to save the quote and send a copy to your customer.
    3. If you would like to save and accept the quote right away, you can click on the drop-down next to the Save and Send button and then select Save and Accept.

    4. If you would like to discard the changes, you can click on Discard Quote in the drop-down.
    On Mobile Page, to share the quotation: 

    In this way, quotations are optimally created, edited, and shared with the users.  

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