How to explore the Timeoff listing and details page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

How to explore the Timeoff listing and details page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

One of the most common processes to create leaves in Zuper is via Time-Off Requests. With workflow and approval steps, a paperless time-off request process can be set up from the Timesheet Module in Zuper.

1. Select the "Timesheets" module from the top-left hamburger icon.  



2. From the kebab icon, select the “Timeoff Request” option.


2. Select the “+” icon to add the timeoff request.



3. Fill in the “Timeoff Request” fields and click the “Request” button.



4. The “Timeoff Request” that was created can be classified under three tabs:

Pending – Track your pending timeoff requests here.

Approved – Track your approved timeoff requests here.

Rejected – Track your rejected timeoff requests here. 


One of the most common processes to create leaves in Zuper is via Time-Off Requests. With workflow and approval steps, a paperless time-off request process can be set up from the Timesheet Module in Zuper.