Overview of pricelist

Overview of pricelist

In modern inventory and sales management, the pricelist feature offers a convenient way to streamline pricing processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. Tailored to fit unique pricing strategy, it enables businesses to maintain pricing consistency, efficiently manage updates, customize pricing for different customer segments, and ensure compliance with regulations.  

A pricelist in Zuper is a comprehensive list of prices used to determine the appropriate price for a customer. It significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual price adjustments by allowing the creation of multiple pricelists, the application of margins and discounts, and the setting of custom rates. Businesses can adapt quickly to market changes, optimize their sales strategies, and make data-driven decisions, all while integrating seamlessly with other key business processes such as job creation, quotes, invoices, and contracts.  


  1. Pricelist is only available on the V3 Web app. If you are using V2, you can get started with V3 using the link below. Your login credentials will be the same as those for V2:  
    V3 Live (Production) - https://web.zuperpro.com/login.   
  2. If you are experiencing issues accessing the V3 Web app, please reach out to us at support@zuper.co 
  3. To enable the Pricelist module for your account, please contact the account admin or email support@zuper.co.

User Roles and Permissions 

The pricelist feature is available to users with specific roles and permissions. Based on the settings enabled by the admin in “Settings” > “Custom Role” > “Part,” users can access the pricelists differently. 

Available permissions include:

  1. Create Pricelist: Allows the creation of new pricelists. 
  1. Update Pricelist: Permits editing existing pricelists. 
  1. Delete Pricelist: Permits deactivating or deleting pricelists that are no longer needed.
These permissions can be customized by the admin to suit the needs of the organization. 

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