Overview of Jobs Module

Overview of Jobs Module

In the Jobs module, you can perform various actions to create and manage all the jobs in a single place. 


Jobs module helps you to view the list of jobs and individual job. You can manage jobs and perform various actions such as search, filter. 

1. Select the "Jobs" module from the top-left hamburger icon .


Jobs Listing Page:

2.  From the Job listing page, 

You can view the list of jobs. 

You can search for the existing jobs. 

You do filter and quick filter actions. 

Quick Filter:

Select the quick filter option to choose the saved filter. 




    Select the “Sort and Filter”    option to sort the list and filter the list.

Click the “Apply” button to set the filter and sort option. 





Finding the exact jobs can be thus achieved using filters, searching, or by sorting the jobs. 

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