Overview of Customers in Zuper V3 Mobile App

Overview of Customers in Zuper V3 Mobile App

The customer module helps you to manage the customer details. Here you can add, modify, and merge the customers. The customers can be mapped to an organization, and you can create a new job for a customer along with the contract. Further, you can send estimates and invoices to a customer.

Zuper V3 Mobile and Customer Module Features:

With our Zuper's V3 version, from the Mobile and Tab version, following features are supported. 
 Listing  - Offline Support Available. 

Quick Filters. 

V3 Advanced Filters and Sorting.

Listing Search - Offline Support Available

Customer Listing Page:

1. Select the "Clients" module from the top-left hamburger icon. 

Now choose the “Customers” module from the drop-down list.



2. You can view the “Customer” module listing page. You can view all the customers in the list view here.


3. You can use the “Search” icon to explore the customer details. 


4. You can use the down arrow to view the quick filter.  


5. You can use the “Filter” icon to sort and filter the customer details. Click “Apply” button to view the filtered list.



The customers play a major role in running the business, and Zuper's detailed sections help you to record all the key details of the customer efficiently. 
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