New Customer Form Overview

New Customer Form Overview

The New Customer Form holds an array of important fields, sections, and tables. Here's all you need to know about the components of your New Customer Form.

  1. First Name: Used to store the customer's first name. This field is mandatory.
  2. Last Name: Enter the customer's last name.
  3. Company Name: Enter the name of the organization your customer works for.
  4. Email: Enter the customer's email address.
  5. Category: Helps group and categorize your customers, i.e., commercial, residential, etc. Select a predefined category from the dropdown. You can manage all your customer categories on the Settings page.
  6. Accessible by Everyone: Used to restrict the access of customer details. Selecting Yes will make the customer visible to all the people who use Zuper within your organization. Option No will only display the customer details to the user who created it and the user who is the account manager of this specific customer. This is a mandatory field.
  7. Customer Tags: A tag for the customer in question can be used for future reference and filtering. (one or more tags can be used)
  8. Has SLA: Specifies whether the organization has a service-level agreement with this specific customer. If marked as Yes, then you will get an option to choose the SLA duration. 
  9. Account Manager: Used to select the employee who will be in-charge of handling queries or complaints from this specific customer.
  10. Description: Provides additional information that will be helpful for the field staff. This field supports "rich formatting".
  11. Home Number: Enter the customer's home phone number.
  12. Mobile Number: Enter the customer's mobile number.
  13. Work Number: Enter the customer's work number.

Service Address Field

This field is used to store the customer's default service address. Whenever a job is created for this customer, the address will be auto-populated in the New Job Form. You can also use our Pick From Map link to pinpoint the address accurately on the map.

    • Click on the Pick From Map hyperlink.
    • You will view a Pick Address from Map dialog which displays the google location of your entered address. 
    • You can modify the pinned address by either entering the customer address in the search bar or by dragging the location pin to the precise location.
    • Once you have precisely narrowed down the customer service address, you can click on Use this Address to confirm the selection.

Billing Address

This field is used to capture your customer's billing address. If it's the same as the service address, click on the Same as Service Address checkbox to copy the service address.

Note: If your business has configured a custom field settings for the Customer Module, the custom field will be displayed here in this form.

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