How to access and manage transfer orders in the Zuper web app?

How to access and manage transfer orders in the Zuper web app?

You can manage Transfer Orders from the details page. Access the Transfer Order details page directly after saving an order or from the Transfer Order listing page by clicking the Transfer Order number, From Location, or To Location.

Navigation: Parts & Service --> Transfer Order --> Details Page

Upon landing the details page, you can view and update the status of the Transfer Order.  
Note: Once the status has been updated, you cannot revert to the previous status. 
Depending on the status of the Transfer Order, you can perform actions such as Edit, Update status, Clone and Delete. Each status has been explained in detail below: 

1. Save as Draft 

When you choose to save the Transfer Order as a draft, the order will be saved in draft status, and you can continue to make changes to the Transfer Order.  

Note: During this status, you can also “Edit,” “Clone,” or “Delete” the transfer order as needed by clicking the “More Actions” button at the top right as shown below: 


2. In-Transit 

This status indicates that the stock has left the From Location. When you update the status to in-transit, you are prompted to choose the sent date using the date picker. The sent date cannot be a future date.  

Once chosen, click the “Update” button. The status will be updated, and the transferred quantity will be deducted from the ‘From Location’ for each of the line items. 

Note: During the In-Transit status, you cannot edit or delete the Transfer Order created but can perform various actions such as Edit Remarks,” “Edit Required Date,” and “Clone” by clicking the “More Actions” button at the top right as shown below: 

3. Completed  

When you mark the order as complete, you’ll be asked to choose the received date, which cannot be a future date.  

Once a Transfer Order is marked as completed, the transferred quantity is increased in the To Location for each of the line items. If the transfer is completed instantly (i.e; it is marked as completed during creation or from draft status), the sent date will be the same as the received date and the line-item quantity and serial numbers will be updated in both the From and To Locations. 

Note: When the status is ‘Completed’, you can only “Edit Remarks” and “Clone” a transfer order as needed by clicking the “More Actions” button at the top right as shown below: 


4. Voided 

If you need to cancel or invalidate any of the Transfer Orders, you can choose to mark it as void. This action will reverse the quantity transferred between locations.  

Once an order is marked as void, you will be prompted to provide a reason. After providing the reason, click the “Update” button to void the Transfer Order successfully. The provided reason is captured under activity. 

Note: Once an order is marked as void, you cannot edit or process it further. You can only “Clone” an order as needed by clicking the “More Actions” button at the top right as shown below: 


Other Actions 

From the Transfer Order details page, you can also perform other actions, such as downloading or deleting attachments, printing, sharing, and viewing the activity log of a Transfer Order. Here’s how: 

1. Download/Delete Attachments 

To download or delete any attachments, go to the attachments section on the right pane and click the “download” or “delete” icon next to an attachment. 

2. Print 

To print and download a Transfer Order, follow these steps: 

1. Click the “Print” button at the top right. 

2. The Transfer Order details will appear in a new tab. From this new tab, you can print the document directly or download it as a PDF.

3. Share 

To share a Transfer Order, follow these steps: 

1. Click the “Share” button at the top right. 
2. A pop-up will appear. Compose the email and click on the ‘Share’ button. Note that the Transfer Order will be attached to the email as a pdf by default. 


4. Activity Log 

To view activity, click on "Activity" in the right pane, where you can see all the actions performed within the Transfer Order, along with the corresponding user names. 

So, that's it! With the above step-step instructions, you can now track and update the status of Transfer Orders, ensuring visibility and control over inventory. 

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