Explore Measurable Key Metrics from Various Modules Within the V3 Zuper Web App Dashboard

Explore Measurable Key Metrics from Various Modules Within the V3 Zuper Web App Dashboard

The dashboard in V3 Zuper web app consists of multiple sections each dedicated to a specific module of the organization. Within each section, you can access and analyze various key metrics and indicators relevant to that module.

Here's an overview of the modules and their key metrics:

Jobs Module

Under the Jobs module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Jobs Statistics

Provides an overview of jobs categorized by job statuses, including total jobs, those yet to start, in-progress, canceled, incomplete, and completed. These metrics are presented based on the selected team and job category for the specific date.

  1. Total jobs: Represents the overall number of jobs based on the selected team and job category for the specific date.
  2. Yet to Start: Jobs that have been scheduled but have not begun.
  3. In-progress: Jobs that are currently being worked on or are underway.
  4. Canceled: Jobs that have been terminated or aborted before completion.
  5. Incomplete: Jobs that have started but have not been finished.
  6. Completed: Jobs that have been successfully finished or executed.

Jobs by Team

Displays the number of jobs assigned to users within the selected team(s) for the specified date.

Job Scheduled/Booked

Shows jobs that are due, scheduled, and new within a selected job category and team for the specific date.

Jobs by Category

Breaks down jobs by their assigned categories. These metrics are presented based on the selected team and job category for the specific date.

Jobs Leaderboard

Ranks users within a team by the number of assigned jobs. These metrics are presented based on the selected team for the specific date.

Jobs by Recurrence Type

Classifies jobs as one-off or recurring based on the selected teams and job categories for the specific date.
  1. One-off jobs: These are jobs that happen only once.
  2. Recurring jobs: These are jobs that happen repeatedly, either at regular intervals or based on certain conditions. 

Jobs By Type

Categorizes jobs by their types, such as new or return visits, based on the selected teams and job categories for the specific date.
  1. New visits: This refer to jobs that you encounter for the first time. 
  2. Return visits: These are the number of jobs that you've dealt with before and are revisiting or following up on

Jobs By Customer Category

Segregates jobs by customer categories. These metrics are presented based on the selected team and job category for the specific date.

Note: The customer categories that appear here are those configured in the customer settings. 

Delayed Jobs

Displays jobs that are running behind schedule, along with the client name, scheduled date, and assigned user. These metrics are presented based on the selected team and job category for the specific date.

Timesheet Module

Under the Timesheet module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Team Availability

Shows user availability within selected teams, including total users, those punched in, on break, and punched out, irrespective of the category and date range. 

Time-off Requests

Displays approved time-off requests submitted by users within a team for the selected date range, irrespective of the category. 

Quotes Module

Under the Quotes module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Quote Stats

Provides an overview of quotes categorized by various statuses, including total quotes created, draft quotes, sent quotes, accepted quotes, declined quotes, and quotes converted to invoices for the selected date range,  irrespective of the category and teams. 
  1. Total Quotes Created: The overall number of quotes generated within a given timeframe.
  2. Draft Quotes: Quotes that have been started but not yet finalized or sent to clients for consideration.
  3. Sent Quotes: Quotes that have been completed and dispatched to clients for review and consideration.
  4. Accepted Quotes: Quotes that have been approved and accepted by clients.
  5. Declined Quotes: Quotes that have been rejected or declined by clients.
  6. Quotes Converted to Invoices: Quotes that have been approved and transformed into invoices for billing and payment processing.

Quotes Expiring Soon

Displays quotes that are expiring soon along with other details such as client name, quote date, and expiry date, irrespective of the selected date range.

Invoice Module

Under the Invoice module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Invoice Stats

Provides an overview of invoices categorized by various statuses, including pending payments for the invoice sent, partially paid, fully paid, overdue, and bad debt for the selected date range, irrespective of the category and team. 
  1. Pending Payments: The total amount of payments that are awaiting processing or settlement for invoices that have been sent to clients.
  2. Partially Paid: Invoices for which only a portion of the total amount due has been received as payment.
  3. Fully Paid: Invoices for which the entire amount due has been received and settled.
  4. Overdue: Invoices that have passed their due date without receiving payment.
  5. Bad Debt: Amounts that are deemed unrecoverable due to non-payment or default by clients, typically written off as losses.

Invoice Expiring Soon

Displays invoices that are expiring soon along with other details such as client name, invoice date, and due date, irrespective of the selected date range, category, and team. 

Maps Module

Under the Maps module, you can measure the following key metric:

Route stats

Provides an overview of routes, categorizing jobs by various statuses such as yet to start, on my way, started, completed, and others within the selected date range.

Service Contracts Module

Under the Service Contracts module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Contracts Stats

Provides an overview of contracts categorized by various statuses, including active contracts, pending approval, expired contracts, and on hold. These metrics are presented based on the selected team for the specific date range. 
  1. Active Contracts: Contracts that are currently in effect and being executed according to their terms and conditions.
  2. Pending Approval: Contracts that have been submitted for approval but have not yet been finalized or authorized.
  3. Expired Contracts: Contracts that have reached the end of their term or duration and are no longer valid.
  4. On Hold: Contracts that have been temporarily suspended or delayed, typically due to pending issues or negotiations.

Contracts Expiring Soon

Displays contracts that are expiring soon along with other details such as client name, contract date, and due date, irrespective of the selected date range.

Assets Module

Under the Assets module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Assets Expiring Soon

Displays assets that are expiring soon along with other details such as client name, asset date, and due date, irrespective of the selected date range, team and category. 

Request Module

Under the Requests module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Request Statistics

Provides an overview of requests categorized by various statuses, including new, open, In-progress, On hold, completed, closed, canceled, and recurring for the selected date range. 
Note: Statuses that appear here are those configured in the request settings.
  1. New: Requests that have been recently submitted and have not yet been processed or assigned.
  2. Open: Requests that have been acknowledged and are currently being reviewed or worked on.
  3. In-progress: Requests that are actively being worked on or are in the process of being fulfilled.
  4. On Hold: Requests that have been temporarily suspended or delayed, typically due to pending issues or dependencies.
  5. Completed: Requests that have been successfully fulfilled or resolved.
  6. Closed: Requests that have been finalized and closed, typically after completion or resolution.
  7. Canceled: Requests that have been terminated or abandoned before completion.
  8. Recurring: Requests that occur regularly or repeatedly according to a predefined schedule.


Under the projects module, you can measure the following key metrics:

Project Stats

Provides an overview of projects categorized by various statuses, including total projects, yet to start, in progress, canceled, incomplete, and completed for the selected date range and project category. 
  1. Total Projects: The overall number of projects within the selected date range and project category.
  2. Yet to Start: Projects that have been scheduled but have not yet begun.
  3. In Progress: Projects that are currently being worked on or are underway.
  4. Canceled: Projects that have been terminated or aborted before completion.
  5. Incomplete: Projects that have started but have not been finished.
  6. Completed: Projects that have been successfully finished or executed.

Projects By Category

Represents number of Projects were created across various project categories using a pie chart for the selected date range.

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