How to view all outbound customer communications?

How to view all outbound customer communications?

Navigation:  Customers --> Customer Details --> View Customer Outbound Logs

With our new update now, the users can view the customer outbound logs under the customer's module. This helps to track the customer's email and SMS logs. 

1. Select the "Customers" module from the left panel and select the customer you want to view the email / SMS history.

2. Select the "Thunderbolt" icon    to view the customer outbound logs.

3. Under recent outbound logs, you can select "Click to choose date range" for which you want to view the outbound logs and select "View Email Body."

4. The "View Email Body" option helps you check the user's Email log. In the same way, SMS can also be viewed. 

The business may want to know about the history of the Customer's email or SMS logs to revisit any old jobs or maintenance, and this is made easy with our new update.