How to use log time spent on a job on the Zuper Mobile App?

How to use log time spent on a job on the Zuper Mobile App?

The users can now capture the time spent on the job by clocking in & out. In addition, the mobile app records the job work history, clock-in, clock-out, and logged work minutes.

Navigation: Jobs --> Job Details --> Total Time Spent

1. Select the “Start Working” option from the job details page.

2. The entire job statuses are shown under the “Details” page.  

3. An active job will be shown on the dashboard when you resume your work. 

4. Select the “Complete” option to end the current job.

5. The total time spent on the job is shown when you complete your job:

6. An alert/notification will pop up when you start a job without completing the previous job.

With the job level time log, businesses can now capture the accurate time spent on the job, making it easier to invoice the Customer on labor hour charges, etc. 

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