How to use CLI Developer Tool?

How to use CLI Developer Tool?

The Command Line Interface (CLI) tool helps customers and partners create their customized App using Zuper’s developer portal. 

1. log in to the Zuper Developer Account with the credentials and select the “Sign In” button.

2. Select “+ New App” to create the new App.

3. Enter the mandatory New App details:

i)      App Display Name: Enter the name of the new App.

ii)      App Package Name: Enter the package name of the new App.

iii)     App Category: Enter the category of the new App. 

Fill in the other required fields as necessary.


4. Enter the mandatory Installation Information details and User-Specific Configuration details:

i)                    App Type: Enter the type of the new App.

ii)                  App Applicability: Enter the applicability for the new App.

iii)                App Category: Enter the availability status of the new App.

iv)                Does your App require User-specific configuration: Whether the App needs User-specific authentication.

5. Enter the “Module Event Configuration” details:

i)         Module Type: Select the module type for which Event to be created.

     ii)         Event Type: Choose the type of the Event against the module.

 Click on the “Add Event” button to complete the Module-Event Configuration.

6.  Once filling in all the details, select the “Save App” option.


7. The saved App details are shown.

8. Once the App is created, use the Command Line Interface to configure, install, run, and uninstall the package.

You can also download the package from the publisher portal and then install the package using $zuper-cli,

For installing -

Whenever new customized apps need to be developed from Zuper App Store, our CLI tool helps them create the App seamlessly.  

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