How to use Bulk actions for the parts and services?
The bulk print of QR codes on the parts and products is possible now.
With this, features and products can print their QR codes in size.
Navigation: Parts and Services -->Bulk Action --> Print QR Code Bulk Print QR Code
1. Select the “Parts and Services” icon from the left panel, Mark a check on the “Check box,” and select the required parts and services to perform the bulk
Click the "Print QR Code" button.
2. The
bulk QR codes are ready for print.
The exported PDF will print to 1” x 2 5/8” sized labels—this
format prints on Avery Template Presta 94200 template.
The parts and products for internal purposes will have
a QR code for identification, and a list of QR codes will be with field
executives during field service. This bulk option helps them print multiple QR
codes easily.
Bulk Print Actions
The new
set of bulk actions is now available in the parts & services module.
Navigation: Parts & Services --> Parts
& Services Listing Page --> Bulk Action --> Mark as Available / Unavailable / Delete
1. Select the “Parts &
Services” icon from the
left navigation menu. Mark a checkmark on the line items for which you will do
the bulk update.
Click any one of the buttons: “Mark as
Available / Unavailable / Delete”
button from the bulk update option.
2. The “Bulk Action” pop-up appears. Click the “Mark as Available” button.
3. The bulk action was performed successfully.
he business can perform bulk action, which marks the product as
available or unavailable or deletes the Parts and Services.