How to update the job status on Zuper V3 Mobile app?

How to update the job status on Zuper V3 Mobile app?

The job status updation is critical for us to record the job flow and completion of the service. 

Job statuses are intermediate checkpoints within a job that can be updated by the Field Technicians and other stakeholders like Administrators, Dispatchers, and Supervisors to help understand the current stage of a job.

These Job Statuses can be customized to launch a checklist that must be completed before the job moves on to the next step. Or, they can be used to send a custom notification once the job reaches a specific status.

Note: The "Change status" button will be visible based on your access role. Please contact your account administrator if you do not see this icon to get access.

1. Select the "Jobs" module from the top-left hamburger icon .


2. Select the “Job” for which you want to update the status.


3. Click the “Change Status” button.


4. Choose the status to modify. The status should be selected based on the status of the Job.


Note: A pop-up will appear. Now you can just enter the checklist details based on the status chosen. 
Note: The "Update Status" will be visible based on your access role. Please contact your account administrator if you do not see this icon to get access.

5. Enter the "Checklist" details to update the status and estimated time details, and select the "Submit" button. 

6. From the pop-up that appears, you can choose the "Estimated Time of Arrival" (Minutes). 

Click the "Update" button after choosing the ETA. 

7. The job status is updated successfully. Click the "Navigate" button to view and reach the customer’s location using the Map option. 

8. By using the “Navigate button, you can choose the option to view the customer location.


The status updates are key for the jobs as the technician needs to be allocated to the next job in the queue, and hence the status updates gain significance. 
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