How to update Profile / account settings in Zuper?

How to update Profile / account settings in Zuper?

The "Account Settings" allows editing or updating personal profiles.

Please follow the below instructions to make changes.

  • Log in to Zuper with an admin account.
  • Scroll down the menu bar on the left and select the "Settings" icon.
  • Under the "General Settings" category, select "Account Settings." 

Account Settings

This lets the employee or admin add or edit details such as :

  • Employee Code
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Designation
  • Email
  • Contact Information  -> Work Number -> Phone Number

Password Settings

This can be used to change the password. The employee or admin should enter the current and new passwords to make the changes.

Other Settings

Time Zone, Language, and Date Format can be edited or updated using this.

The profile settings are vital in maintaining the login user's details, including the User Name, Password, and the addition of Profile Picture. 
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