How to set Unit of Measurements for the parts & services?

How to set Unit of Measurements for the parts & services?

The user can now efficiently display/edit the unit of measurement for the Parts. The text entered for the parts & services is free text. The user can enter his preferred unit of measurements here for the parts or services. 

1. Select the “Parts & Services” module from the left panel.

2. Tap on the     option of the parts from the details page.

3. You can view the “Unit of Measurement” highlighted on the image. Now, tap on the Edit Part option from the details page.

4. The user can edit the desired “Unit of Measurement” based on the parts (Kgs, Liters, Grams, and Milliliters) and tap on the “Save Part” option to save part details.

Now, the user can now efficiently display/edit the unit of measurement for the Parts and services.