How to send Follow-up Reminder Updates?

How to send Follow-up Reminder Updates?

The users can instantly send follow-up reminders before or after a particular date via SMS or Email. 

1. Select the “Settings” module from the left panel and tap on the “Quotes & Invoice” subsection.

2. Select the “Follow-up” reminder option under the configurations option.

3. Select the “+New Reminder” option to initiate the Follow-up reminder. In addition, the user can use the   option to edit the existing reminders.

4. The user can send a follow-up reminder for the customer’s pending quotes approval/invoice payment by filling in the necessary details and tapping on the “Create Reminder” option. The user can send a reminder before or after the Quote’s or Invoice’s date, or you can close the pop-up with the “Close” option.  

In the “Create Follow-up Reminder” pop-up,

a) Under Choose Module –> Select the Module: Quotes or Invoice. 
b) Under “Remind To”–>The user can send a follow-up reminder to the back office and the customer. The dropdown box        list: “Customer,” “Selected Users,” and “Selected Teams.” 
c) Under “Reminder Name” –> Type the name for the reminder.  
d) Under “Remind (In Days)” –>The reminder can be sent “Before” or “After.”  
e) Under “Reminder Type” –>The reminder type can be either “SMS” or “Email.” 

5. The user can easily enhance the reminders with the new rich text editor option. In the email body, the enriched editor allows you to edit the text, highlighting the text similarly many formatting can be done.   

                                      I.        Undo & Redo: The icon’s action helps you undo and redo the current action performed. 

                                    II.        Bold: This icon helps you to highlight the text in bold.   

                                   III.        Italic: This icon helps you to highlight the text in italic.   

                                  IV.        Underline: This icon helps you to underline the text.   

                                    V.        Strikethrough: This icon helps you to strikethrough the text.   

                                  VI.        Font size: This icon helps you to increase the font.   

                                 VII.        Recent color: This icon helps you provide the text’s color.   

                                VIII.        Unorder list: This icon helps you to set the index to an unordered one.   

                                   IX.        Order list: This icon helps you to set the index to ordered one.   

                                    X.        Paragraph: This icon helps you to align your sections easily.   

                                   XI.        Line Space: This icon helps you to provide the necessary line space.   

                                 XII.        Table: This icon helps you to add a fresh table.   

                                XIII.        Attachment: This icon helps you to add new attachments.   

                               XIV.        Video: This icon helps you to add a fresh video.   

                                 XV.        Help: This shows you how to use the shortcuts for the editor.   

You can create a follow-up reminder for the internal back-office team or the customer by following the above steps. 

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