How to schedule a job from individual contract line items on the Zuper Web App?

How to schedule a job from individual contract line items on the Zuper Web App?

Navigation:  Contracts -->Individual Contract --> Parts & Service --> + Schedule Job

In a single click, the user can now schedule a job from the contract line items that are approved already.

1. Select the “Contracts” module from the left panel.

 2. Select the “Part/Service” tab under contracts and select the “+ Schedule Job” to schedule the Job for the contract.

3. The user will be redirected to the Jobs module for the Job creation based on the line item of the contract. In addition, the “Customer Details” tab will be pre-filled based on the contract details.

4. The following details will be pre-filled / to be entered under the “Job details” tab as per the need


The prefix for the job title.

Job Title (Mandatory Field)

Enter the title required to identify the Job.

Job Category (Mandatory Field)

The category under which the Job belongs.

Choose the job category from the drop-down list.

Job Priority

The priority of the Job can be Low, Medium, and high.

Choose the job priority from the drop-down list.

Job Type

The type under which the Job belongs.

Choose the type from the drop-down list. You can choose either New Job or a Revisit Job.

Parent Job

If the job type is selected as “Revisit Job,” then the Parent Job should be chosen.

Job Recurrence

The recurrence option for the Job should be chosen, if applicable.

Choose the recurrence option in the drop-down list. You can choose either No Recurrence or Recurring Job.

Job Start Time

Pick Date:

Choose the Start Date of the Job from the calendar.


Choose the Start Time of the Job from the calendar.

Job End Time

End Date:

Choose the End Date of the Job from the calendar.


Choose the End Time of the Job from the calendar.

Job Due Date

Choose the Due Date of the Job from the calendar.

Choose Contract

Choose the applicable contract.

Job Tags

Enter the relevant tags related to the Job.

Job Description

A brief description of the Job.

Estimated Duration For This Job Category

The total estimated time for the Job is displayed here.

Job scheduled in the chosen duration.

The number of jobs counted for the duration is shown here.

User Details

The user’s Name, Address are shown here.

Customer Location

The location of the Customer is shown on the map.

5. The following sub-sections will be pre-filled based on the contract details:

Other Details

The user defines the custom fields.


The associated assets related to the contracts are displayed here.

Parts & Services

The parts & services related to the contracts are displayed here.

Note: Only contracts that are approved can allow creating new job.

After filling in the “Assign Employees” tab and confirming the “Preview and Save” tab, the new Job from the contract is created successfully.

Now the business can easily create a job from the contract line item, and the pre-filled details help the user do the Job without any delays. 

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