How to Mark an Invoice as Paid?  

How to Mark an Invoice as Paid?  

An invoice can be marked as paid as and when the customer pays the invoice. An invoice, once sent, can be marked as paid, partially paid, or bad debt.

Marking an Invoice as Paid 

  1. Click on the "Invoice" Icon in the Menu. 
  2. In the Invoices Listing Page, select the specific invoice which you would like to mark as paid. 
  3. Once the Invoice Details Page is visible, click on the "More" drop-down. 
  4. Select Mark as Paid to update the status of your invoice. 
  5. In the Mark Invoice as Paid dialog, select a payment mode from the Choose Payment Mode drop-down. You can manage your Payment Modes in the Settings page. 
  6. Enter the amount paid in the Enter Amount Paid text box. By default, the entire value of the invoice will be displayed, you can edit it if required. 
  7. Enter the Payment Reference Number, Payment Date (Current Date by Default), and additional Remarksthen click on Mark as Paid.  
  8. If the entered amount paid is less than the invoice value, the invoice will be marked as Partially Paid. If the invoice value is completely paid, the status of your invoice will change to Paid.  
  9. In the case of partially paid invoices, you can Collect the Due Amounts whenever required. 

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