The Contract details page lets you view the
complete information of the contract and all its associated records in a single
place. From the contract listing page, you can click any one of the contract
names to go to the contract details page.

Navigation: Contracts -> Contracts Listing Page
1. Click the “Contracts” module from the left panel.

Note: If you are unable to access
the Contracts in the menu, please contact your account administrator to enable
your account access to the module.
2. You can use the “Quick Filter” dropdown to
access & select any saved quick filters

Note: Manage Quick Filter helps to add the new quick filter and remove the quick filter.
You can use the
search input to find the jobs using freetext keywords.
This search, by default, looks up against Contract Number, Prefix.

Note: You can click on the column 'Contract Name’ to sort the contracts by ascending or descending order.
4. Click the "Export" button to preview and download the Contract Report as an Excel file.
5. Click the "
Customize" button to customize the table columns, and you can reorder the columns by drag and drop using

6. Click the "+New Contract" button to create a new contract.
9. The bottom panel enables you to customize the items per page, and You can use right and left arrows to navigate between the pages.
10. Enter the page number in the "Goto" option to navigate the page.
How to add a filter and save it as a quick filter?
1. Select the
filter icon to filter the contract module details.
2. Click the "+ Add Filter" button to provide the conditions.
3. Enter the field type to choose the field, then select the operator and enter the field value to choose the field.
Click the "Apply Filter" button.

Note: You can use the "+" button to add multiple filters.
4. The filter is applied is applied successfully.
5. Click the "Clear Filter" button to remove the filter.
Quick Filter:
1. Select the
filter icon to filter the contract module details.
2. Click the "+ Add Filter" button to provide the conditions.
3. Enter the field type to choose the field, then select the operator and enter the field value to choose the field.

Note: You can use the "+" button to add multiple filters.

A checkbox on the "Save Applied Filter" will help you to save the filter as "Quick Filter."
Click the "Apply Filter" button.
4. a. Filter Name (Mandatory) - Give a unique name for the filter.
b. Filter Applicability (Mandatory) - This option lets you choose the users with whom you want to share this quick filter.
Click the "Save Filter" button to create the quick filter.
5. The new quick filter is created successfully.