How to Manage Invoice Payment Modes?

How to Manage Invoice Payment Modes?

Zuper allows you to create multiple payment modes which can be chosen during the invoice payment process. 

Creating Invoice Payment Mode

  1. Select the "Settings" icon in the Menu.
  2. Under the "Configuration Settings" category, select "Quotes & Invoice".
  3. In the "Quotes & Invoice" page, select "Payment Modes".
  4. Click on the "New Payment Mode" button.
  5. Enter the name of the payment mode in the "Payment Mode Name" field. 
  6. Select the type of payment (online/offline) in the "Type" drop-down.
  7. Enter the description of the payment mode in the "Description" field. 
  8. Now click on "Save Payment Mode".

Editing Invoice Payment Mode

  1. Click on the "Edit"(pencil icon) next to the payment mode to be edited.
  2. \
  3. It will prompt the "Update Payment Mode" window.
  4. Make the required changes, and click on "Update Payment Mode".

Deleting Invoice Payment Mode

  1. Click on the "Delete" icon next to the payment mode to be edited.
  2. It will prompt the "Delete Payment Mode" window.
  3. Click on "Delete Payment Mode" to confirm your action.

Note: Deleting a payment mode will not affect the status of old invoices which have used the payment mode. 














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