How to manage all payment transactions?

How to manage all payment transactions?

Navigation:  Accounting --> Payments

The payment reconciliation is managed easily under a single page, and it helps to track the record payment history of all the transactions. 

1. Under the "Accounting" module, select the "Payments" module from the left panel.

2. Select the view "” icon to see the payment details.

3. The transaction details will be displayed, and the user can select the “Send Receipt” option to forward the payment receipt.

4. The payment receipt will be successfully sent.

5. Select the filter icon  to view the specific payment details.

6. Select the necessary filter and tap on the “Apply Filter” button to set the required filters.

7. Based on the selected filter, the results are shown.

Note: If the payment transaction is pending verification, the user can use the refresh icon   next to the payment transaction to reload the payment status.

The user can track the payments to monitor all the payment history in a single place. With our new update, users can easily manage all their income across the modules on our new “Payments” module.

Filter by Payment

Navigation:  Accounting --> Payments --> Filters

Payment modes are the key for businesses to track the list of users who had paid, and our new filter option helps filter and find the mode of payment. 

1. Select the "Accounting" module from the left panel and click on “Payments,” and choose the “Filter” icon.

2. Select the “Filter by Payment Mode” choose the desired payment option, and click on the “Apply Filter” button.

3. Based on the selected filter, the payment transactions are displayed.

You can use select the “Filter by Organization” option, choose the desired organization, and select the “Apply Filter” button.

With our new update now, businesses can filter payment transactions based on their mode of payment. 

Payment Transactions Inside Customer Details page

Navigation:  Customers --> Customer --> Recent Transactions
The Customer management module also includes the payment history and payment details of customers. The user can easily view all the financial transactions related to a particular customer under the customer details page.

1. Select the “Customers” module from the left panel and select the Customer for whom you want to view the recent financial transactions. 

2. Choose the “Recent Transactions” section on the right to view the recent payment details. You can view a further list of transactions from the “More Transactions” link on the card.

You will then be redirected to the “Payment Transactions” module. 

With this new feature, businesses can view the recent transactions from the customer module itself and thus, eliminating the need for the user to switch between multiple modules. 

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