How to issue (schedule) PPMs into Jobs in the Zuper web app

How to issue (schedule) PPMs into Jobs in the Zuper web app

The Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) should be done periodically to prevent asset failures. At the same time, these maintenance tasks can also be converted to jobs that field executives can complete on scheduled dates.

But, if you've missed enabling autogenerate jobs while creating PPM, here's how you can issue (schedule) PPMs into jobs in Zuper Web App. 

Accessing PPMs

Navigation: Assets -> Assets Listing page -> Manage PPM

To access PPMs of all assets, follow these steps:

1. Click the Assets icon from the left navigation menu and choose the “Assets” module. You can view the list of assets in the asset listing page.

2. Click "Manage PPM" at the top right of the asset listing page. 

3. You can access all PPMs for assets, including PPM ID, name, last service date, next service date, and more. 
You can also use the search bar to search and view specific asset's PPM details. 

 Issue PPMs to Jobs

Navigation: Assets --> Assets listing page --> Manage PPM --> Issue chosen PPMs

You can easily issue PPMs to Jobs with the "Issue Chosen PPMs" option, that ultimately saves your time by creating PPM Jobs with a single click. Here's how:

1. Once you land on the PPMs listing page, you can view PPMs that have autogenerate jobs enabled and those that don't.

2. Select the PPMs (that don't have any autogenerate jobs) for which a job needs to be created. A small action bar appears at the bottom. 

Note: The checkbox is enabled only for PPMs for which autogenerate jobs is not created.
3. Click “Issue Chosen PPMs”. A Preview PPMs pop-up appears. 

5. Select the “Job Category” from the dropdown menu and set the “Start Time” and “End Time” for each PPM. Then, click the “Submit” button.

6. For the selected PPMs, PPM jobs will be created successfully. 

Filter PPM

Navigation: Assets --> Asset Listing page --> Manage PPM --> Filter 
The filter PPM option helps you to filter the list of PPMs.

1. Select “Filter” from the top right corner of the PPM listing page. A side bar appears on the right. 

2. Choose the specific fields>> apply conditions and click the "+" icon to add this filter. You can also add multiple filters by clicking the "+ Add Filter" button. Once added, click the "Apply Filter" button to view the result. 

PPM Views

You can view the PPMs either in List or Calendar view. Here's how:

List View

Navigation: Assets --> Assets Listing page--> Manage PPM --> List View
 1. Select the "list view" option at the top right corner of the PPMs page to view the list of PPMS with details such as ID, jobs issued, contract, service, asset name, last service date, next service date and priority.  You can also view, edit or delete an PPM as needed by clicking the "three-dot" icon under the Action column. 

Calendar View

Navigation: Assets --> Assets Listing page --> Manage PPM --> Calendar View
 1. Select the "Calendar view" option at the top right corner of the PPMs page to view the scheduled PPM (Planned Preventive Maintenance) tasks on a calendar. You can even switch between different views such as weekly, or monthly in the calendar. To view details of the scheduled PPM, click on the event. 

So. that's the process about how you can seamlessly convert PPM tasks into jobs for field executives to complete on scheduled dates even if autogenerate jobs were not enabled during PPM creation. 

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