1. Click on your profile picture on the top right corner of the page, which will open the list of options. Next, click on the “App Store” link.
2. You will be redirected to the “App Store.” Click on “Accounting & Payments” under “Browse by Category on your left and click on “Stripe.”
3. Click on the “Install Stripe” button.
4. Under
the “Update Stripe Settings” box, enter the “Publishable Key,” “Secret
Key,” “Zuper API Key” from the Stripe, and click on the “Update” button. The
steps are shown under Sections B and C to get the API
B. Get your API Keys from Stripe and Zuper app
Log in to your Stripe dashboard. Go to the “Developers”
section and click on API Keys now.
Copy the “Publishable Key” and “Secret Key” and paste them inside the “Zuper’s Stripe App.”
6. To
get the Zuper API key, go to “Settings” clicking on the profile picture
on the right top of your Zuper Dashboard.
7. Click on “Account Settings” under “General
8. Now select “API Keys” and click on “+ New API
9. Type API Key name as “Stripe” and click on the “Create”
10. Copy the API key displayed.