How to integrate and use RingCentral SMS with Zuper?

How to integrate and use RingCentral SMS with Zuper?

With our new Zuper-RingCentral SMS integration, you can connect your RingCentral account to Zuper and automatically send outbound text messages through your RingCentral number.

A. How to connect your RingCentral SMS with Zuper? 

1. Open a new tab in your browser and once you are logged in to your Zuper Account, click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the screen and click on “App Store.”

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Telephony, Video and SMS” option and choose “RingCentral SMS.”

3. Click on the “Install RingCentral SMS” button.

Note: With Zuper and RingCentral SMS tabs open, you can switch between the accounts for integration.

Note: Kindly note that SMS or Text messages should be enabled for the end users.

Navigation: Customers --> Edit Customer --> Notification Preferences

4. Enter the "From Number (Mandatory Field)" - Enter the registered RingCentral number to update the RingCentral settings. 

Select the “Update” button to complete the integration of Zuper with RingCentral SMS. 

B. How does Zuper – RingCentral SMS Integration work?

1. Whenever new notifications need to be sent to the Customer, the alerts are sent as SMS via RingCentral SMS integration.

Select the “Customer” module from the left panel and choose the Customer for whom you want to send the notification. 

Customers --> Existing Customers or New Customers.

2. Under More Actions,” select the “Send Email / SMS” option from the top right corner.

3. Send SMS Settings by configuring the following fields:

 Contact Via (Mandatory Field) – Select the “SMS” option to send the notification.


      Contact Number (Mandatory Field) – Select the “Contact Number” for which you want to send the notification.


      SMS Body (Mandatory Field) – Enter the notification message here.


Available Components – Choose the relevant components for which the notification is applicable. 

Select the “Send” button to send an SMS from Zuper via RingCentral SMS. 

C. How to Uninstall RingCentral from Zuper? 

1. Open a new tab in your browser once you are logged in to your Zuper Account.

Click on your Profile Picture in the top right corner of the screen and select the “App Store.

2. Under the “Browse by Category,” select the “Telephony, Video and SMS” option and choose “RingCentral SMS.

3. Click on the “Uninstall App” button.

4. The RingCentral app is uninstalled successfully.

SMS notifications are also a great way to keep the user informed on the latest job updates. With this one-way integration, data flows from Zuper to RingCentral SMS and notifies the Customer as an SMS. 

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