How to import the recurring jobs?

How to import the recurring jobs?

The data import is critical, and now the user can import the recurring jobs in a single shot with the “Data Import” option. 

Navigation:  Settings --> General Settings --> Data Import

1. Select the “Settings” module from the left panel, and under the “General Settings” section, choose  “Data Import.”

2. Select the mandatory field module as the “Recurring Job” from the dropdown box.

3. There are two options to upload the data into the Zuper.

1. Download template with sample data – The user can download the pre-filled template with the valid sample data. Based on that user can enter the information about the recurring jobs and import the data.

2. Download Template - The user can download the template directly, enter the details, and import the data. 

4. After successfully downloading the template, fill in the critical information similar to the sample data.
   Enter the 1. Job Title, 2. Category 3. Job Description, 4. Job Priority, 5. Job Type, 6. Customer First Name, 7. Customer Email as per the sample data        present in excel. 


4. Continue filling in the data similar to the sample.
 Enter the 1. Service Address - Street, 2. Service Address - City, 3. Service Address – State, 4. Service Address – Country, 5. Service Address – Zip Code as per the sample data present in excel. 

5. Continue filling in the data similar to the sample.

Enter the 1. Day of the week, 2. Recurrence Start Date, 3. Recurrence End Date as per the samp

6. After filling the job template in excel, import the same using the “Upload File” option.

7. The data import is done successfully.

Navigation:  Jobs --> Recurring Jobs

The imported recurring jobs will be displayed under the Jobs Module.

 Recurring jobs are most important for regular periodic maintenance or revisiting job cases. Whenever the business has a bulk list of recurring jobs, it is now easy for the business to add the recurring jobs to the excel file and import them easily into the Zuper.

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