How to explore the Timesheet listing and details page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

How to explore the Timesheet listing and details page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

Timesheets are used to document an employee's work hours for auditing purposes. Zuper lets you post a timesheet entry in just a few clicks. In addition, administrators can create a timesheet entry for the other employees.

Admins or field service technicians can add remarks against specific records in the timesheet if required. This helps users to get clear information/status of the employee for a specific day.


You can view the list of Timesheets and their details.

1. Select the "Timesheets" module from the top-left hamburger icon.  





2. You can view the “Timesheets” module listing page. You can view all the timesheet details – All Timesheets and My Timesheets option.




3. You can view the defaulter’s list of who has not punched in or punched out for the day.  


4. Use the “Kebab” icon to “Enroll User,” “View Enrollments,” and  “Timeoff Requests.”


5. You can “Edit” the Timesheet entry by clicking the “Kebab” icon.


6. You can “Delete” the Timesheet entry by clicking the “Kebab” icon.



With the new timesheet capability, businesses can accurately track and approve employee working hours, ensuring fair and efficient payroll. The ability to approve or reject timesheets streamlines the process and eliminates any discrepancies, making it a crucial aspect of payroll management.