How to explore the Quotes listing page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

How to explore the Quotes listing page in the V3 Zuper Mobile App?

A quotation, also known as an estimate, covers the parts or services which is required to complete a job and approximately how much they will cost. Quotations are sent to customers before the commencement of a job for acceptance. Once the customer accepts, technicians will perform the services or replace the parts listed in the quote to complete a job.

1. Select the "Quotes" module from the top-left hamburger icon .


2. Select the quick filter option to select the saved filter. 


    3. Select the search icon   to search for the job and associated details.

Note: with this search, you can find: 


4. Select the “Sort and Filter”   option to sort the list and filter the list.
Click the “Apply” button to set the filter and sort option. 



With the quotes, the listing page helps find the user's specific information using a filter, search, and quick filter options.