How to Create and Edit Customer Category?

How to Create and Edit Customer Category?

Your customers can be grouped into different categories to manage them easily. Please follow the below instructions to create a new Customer Category.

Creating Customer Category

  1. Select the "Settings" icon in the Menu.
  2. Under the "Configuration Settings" category, select "Customers Settings".

      3. On the "Customer Settings" page, click on the "New Category" button.
      4. In the pop-up window, enter the name for the Customer category under "Category Name".
      5. Enter the SLA (if available) for the customer category under "SLA Duration" by adjusting the days, hours, and minutes drop-downs.
      6. Enter a description for the Customer Category under "Category Description" and click on "Save Category".

Editing Customer Category

  1. Click on the "Edit" (pencil icon) next to the Customer category to be edited.
  2. This will bring up the "Edit Customer Category" window, make the required changes and click on "Update Category".

Deleting Customer Category

  1. Click on the "Delete" next to the Customer category to be deleted.
  2. This will bring up the "Delete Customer Category" window. Click on "Delete."



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