How to create a timesheet on the Zuper Mobile app?

How to create a timesheet on the Zuper Mobile app?

Timesheets are used to document an employee’s work hours for auditing purposes. Zuper lets you create a timesheet entry in just a few clicks.

1. Select the "Timesheets" module from the top-left hamburger icon. 

2. Select "Timeoff Requests" ”o add new time off, and "Manage Timeoff" helps deal with the existing time-off.

3. Select the "+“ option to add the new timesheet entry.

4. Select the "All Day" option to create the timesheet for the particular selected date range.


  1. The "Select a date range" option helps choose the range of dates. 
  2. The "Select a Team" option helps to choose the required team.
  3. The "Reason" can be set On or off. Next, the request remark helps record the timesheet remark and finally, select the "Create" button to create the timesheet. 

Timesheet entries are critical for the business to manage the employee’s payroll process, and with Zuper’s excellent timesheet option, now you can easily create and manage the timesheets. 

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