How to charge a deposit for a quotation using a customer card on file?

How to charge a deposit for a quotation using a customer card on file?

With our new update, users can charge the customer’s credit card for the deposit amount.

Pre-requisites: Customers should have Stripe connected to their accounts.   
Pre-requisites:  2. The following settings should be enabled for the collection of the deposit. Navigate: Settings --> Organization Settings --> Quotes and Invoice Settings. 

The user should set the "Allow Deposit on Quote Approval" option as "Yes" and enter the threshold amount, select the type of deposit and enter the required deposit value. 

Navigate: Settings --> Organization Settings --> Quotes and Invoice Settings
3. The user should set the "Allow Field Executive to Collect Payment" option as "Yes" and “Payment Mode Facilitating the Payment”, should be set as any of the preferred gateway card payments from the drop-down list. 

The pop-up “Collect Deposit” will trigger while updating the quote for collecting the quoted deposit. Quotations are created and sent to the customer for payment. For the quotations with sent status, while marking the quotations as accepted, now the user will get an alert “Collect Deposit” to collect the quoted deposit as a pop-up window.

1.       Select the “Quotations” module from the left panel.

2. Select the quotation for which the pending deposit amount is to be collected.

 Note: Customers who saved the credit cards can only be charged.

3. Now, the new pop-up “Collect Deposit” will prompt the user to select “Yes” to collect the deposit.
Fill in the necessary details to charge the card.

i)  Choose Payment Mode – Select the preferred payment method option from the drop-down list.

ii)  Deposit Amount – Type the amount to be collected.

iii)  Choose card – Select the saved card.

iv)     Payment Date – The date on which deposit collection is done.

              v)     Remarks – Enter the additional information, if any.

          Select the “Collect Deposit” option to charge the credit card. 

4. Once the deposit collection is successful, deposit collection details are shown below.

i)  Amount – The paid mode of the deposit is shown.

ii)    Collected Date – The date for the deposit collected is shown.

iii)   Payment Mode – The mode of the payment detail is shown.

iv)   Reference No. –The reference for the payment is shown

              v)     Remarks – Enter the additional information, if any.

The users can now charge the customer’s credit card for the balance deposit amount by following the above steps.

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