How to bulk update scheduled date and time of jobs?

How to bulk update scheduled date and time of jobs?

Navigation:  Jobs --> Bulk Action

The bulk action on the jobs module helps complete the schedules of the line items in a single click for the multiple jobs. 

1. Select the "Jobs" module from the left panel and select the jobs you want to bulk update.

2. The "Update Schedule" pop-up helps users edit the jobs schedule in bulk.

Schedule To (Mandatory Field)

The "Schedule To" option helps the user to set the time.

This can be either fixed or relative.

Date (Mandatory Field) / No. of Days (Mandatory Field)

If the "Schedule To" is selected as "Fixed," choose the date from the Date Picker field.

If the "Schedule To" is selected as "Relative," enter the number of days.

Select the "Update" button to schedule in bulk. 

3. The bulk update of the jobs is done successfully.

With this new feature, businesses can complete their schedule updates for multiple jobs with a single click.

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