The Planned Preview Maintenance can be easily converted as a Job. Our
new icon hints at the PPMs that can convert to Jobs.
Choose Contract - (Mandatory Field) Select the relevant Contract from the dropdown list.
Choose Part / Service - (Mandatory Field) Select the relevant part/service from the dropdown list.
Priority - Select the priority from the dropdown list. The priorities can be Low, Medium, and High.
Mark a check on the tiny “Square box” on the “Auto Generate Job” to generate Job based on the PPMs.
Generate Job Before - The job generation period from the PPMs.
Job Category - Select the category of the Job from the dropdown list.
Address - (Mandatory Field) Enter the address details.
City - (Mandatory Field) Enter the city details.
Landmark - Enter the landmark details.
State - Enter the state details.
Zipcode - Enter the zip code details.Frequency - (Mandatory Field) Select the relevant frequency from the dropdown list.
Frequency Period - (Mandatory Field) Select the relevant frequency period from the dropdown list.
Next Service Date - Select the date for the next service.
Schedule Dates - The dates for the upcoming schedules. The auto-generated jobs are shown as a job icon.Select the “Update PPM” option to save the modified PPM details.
With this feature, you can now easily convert the PPM id's to