How to add multiple assets to a job?

How to add multiple assets to a job?

Navigation: Jobs --> New Job --> Add Assets | Jobs --> Job Details --> Add Assets 

Jobs or work orders can be created without having an asset attached to them.  However, if you have the Asset Module enabled in your Zuper Web App, you can add multiple assets while creating a new job or after the job has been created. 

A. Adding Assets to a New Job:

    1.  Select the "Jobs" module from the left panel. 

2. Fill in the necessary customer and job details.

3. Under the Job details tab, select "+ Pick Assets" to add multiple assets to the job.

4. Pick the multiple assets you would like to add to the job and click on the Update button, and you can also add remarks for an individual asset.

5. The added assets are shown under the "Asset Details" section.

6.  If you want to add any related parts, click on the        icon next to the asset.

7. Select the "+" button to add the required parts.

8. The added parts are shown under the "Parts & Services" section.

B. Adding Assets to the Existing Job:

1. Select the "Jobs" module from the left panel and select any one of the existing jobs.

2. Select the "+ Add Asset" option to include the multiple assets in the job.

3. You will see a Choose Asset dialog that lists all the available assets associated with that specific customer.

4. The added assets are shown under the "Asset Details" section.

5.  If you want to add any related parts, click on the        icon next to the asset.

6. Select the "+" button to add the required parts.

7. The added parts are shown under the "Parts & Services" section.

This feature helps businesses add multiple assets to a job to provide the best service to the customer on time. 

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