How to access and manage your AR invoice details in the Zuper web app?

How to access and manage your AR invoice details in the Zuper web app?

The Invoice details page lets you view the complete information of the invoice and all its associated records in a single place. From the invoice listing page, you can click any one of the Invoice No. to go to the invoice details page.

NavigationInvoices --> Invoice --> Details Page

1. Select the "Accounting" module from the left navigation menu and choose the "Invoices" Module. 

2. Click the Invoice Title or Invoice No. of the Invoice for which you need to view the invoice details.  

 The Invoice details have a two-column layout with information & actions available in each pane for quick access.


Left Panel 1 

The pane 1 contains the Invoice Number, parts, and services consumed with price and quantity details. Following this information, you can notice the quick actions bar, which offers you contextual action buttons such as Clone, Archive, Edit,  Cancel, and Delete invoice. 

 Below the quick actions bar, you can find the invoicing activity.

Update Status:

Invoice statuses are stages/checkpoints within an invoice that can be updated by the Field Technicians and other back-office users such as Dispatchers and Supervisors.


Note: Administrators can set up the master statuses and dependencies from the Settings page.

1.  The Job and Quote linked to the invoice is displayed in Panel 1. 

2. Select the "Status" option and choose the status from the drop-down list. 

3. Select the status you want to update from the "Status" drop-down box. 

5. Click the "Update" button to confirm the status update change. 

6. The status is updated successfully. 

7. Address details of the customer. Other details can be viewed from the Panel 1. 

Use the various buttons - Print, Edit, Share, and PDF to perform the invoice actions. 

1. Click the "Print" button to print the invoice. 

2. The invoice is ready to print. 

3. Click the "PDF" button to download the invoice PDF. 

4. Click the "Send" button to share the invoice with the customer via email. 

5. A pop-up appears. Click the "Send" button to share the invoice. 


6. Click the "Edit" button to modify the invoice details. 

Right Panel 

Add Customer to the Invoice

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Customer" to create and associate the invoice. 


2.  Choose the customer details and click the "Save as Draft" button to add the customer to the invoice. 

3. The customer details are linked to the invoice successfully. 

Add Property to the Invoice

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Property" to create and associate the invoice. 

2. A property picker will appear. Choose the property to associate with the invoice. Click the "Choose Property" button. 

Note: You can either add new property or add existing properties to the invoice. 

3. The property details are linked to the Invoice successfully. 

Add Attachments to the Invoice

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Attachments" to create and associate the invoice. 

2.  An add attachment dialog will appear. Select the attachments. 

3. The attachment        is added to the invoice successfully. 

Add Notes to the Invoice

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Note" to create and associate the invoice. 

2.  A pop-up will appear, type the notes and click the "Post Note" button. 

3. The note is added to the invoice successfully. 

Invoice Activity

1. Click the "Invoice Activity" button to view all the activities performed inside the invoice. 

More Actions

Under the More actions section, you can perform various actions such as:
Accept / Decline Invoice, Clone, Archive, Cancel, and Delete Invoices. 

Record Payment:

1. Click the "Record Payment" option to record the invoice payment. 

2. A record payment pop-up appears. Select/Fill in the payment details. 

Clone :

The existing invoice can be created as a replica using the clone option. All the information will be copied to the new page, and you can modify the required information and click on Create Invoice. 


2. View the invoice details and clone the invoice. 


Note: The "Archive" option is only available to the Admin by default. If you would like to enable Delete access to any user with a Team Leader role, you can create a custom access role and turn on "Archive Invoice" permission in the Jobs module.


Note: The "Cancel" option is only available to the Admin by default. If you would like to enable cancel access to any user with a Team Leader role, you can create a custom access role and turn on "Cancel Invoice" permission in the Jobs module.


Note: The "Delete" option is only available to the Admin by default. If you want to enable Delete access to any user with a Team Leader role, you can create a custom access role and turn on "Delete Invoice" permission in the settings.

2. Click the "Delete" button to delete the invoice. 

3. The invoice is deleted successfully. 


Markup and Tax Details:

1. In the Parts & Services section, Click the "Ellipsis" icon () to modify the parts and services. 

2. Click the "Edit" option to modify the parts and service details. 

3. Markup, in other words, is called the "margin amount" that you provide to the purchase price of parts and services. After applying a markup, the system automatically calculates the selling price of the respective part or service.

Markup has the following conditions. 
Flat (+): With the flat markup condition, a predetermined fixed amount is added to the unit purchase price to determine the unit selling price.
Percentage (%): Under the percentage markup condition, a specified percentage of the unit purchase price is added to calculate the unit selling price.
Multiplier (x): With the multiplier markup condition, the unit purchase price is multiplied by a specified amount to obtain the unit selling price.

You can manage the Tax details in this section. 
Tax Preference - Select the preference regarding the tax. The option can be either "Taxable" or "Non-Taxable."

By using the Invoice Detail Page in Zuper, it provides users with a comprehensive view of individual invoices. This page allows users to review all pertinent details, such as invoice numbers, dates, itemized charges, payment status, and any associated notes. 
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