The Parts & Services section within the Projects module allows you to efficiently track the cost of parts and services used across jobs within a project. This feature also serves as a foundation for budgeting, helping you to monitor both the planned and actual quantities of products consumed throughout the project.
Additionally, you can directly associate the necessary parts or services required to complete jobs within the project from the quote accepted by the customer. This integration reduces the risk of manual errors and ensures that the project is completed in alignment with the agreed-upon quotation.
Navigation: Projects--> Project details-->Parts & Services
How to create and associate parts/services to the quote
To associate the parts or services required to complete the project directly from the quote, you first need to create a quote and include the necessary parts and services. Here’s how:
1. Go to the “Quotes” icon from the left navigation menu and choose “+ New Quote” to create a new quote.
2. Choose either "Customer" or an "Organization." The billing and service contact information will be filled in automatically based on the organization or customer chosen.
3. Fill in the "Quote Details" section.
Here, the mandatory fields are Quote Date, Expiry Date, and Quote Template.
4. Click "+ Add" next to Parts & Services section to add the parts and services required for the project. Please note that the quantity of parts and services that you specify in the quote will represent the planned quantity for the project.
5. Click the "Save as Draft" button at the top right corner of the page after adding the required parts & services to save and send the quote to the selected customer/organization.
5. Once the quote has been sent & accepted by the customer, you have the option to convert the quote to a new project. To do so, click “New” at the top right and select “Project” from the dropdown menu.
6. A pop-up will appear, prompting you to create a project with or without adding these parts to the project.
Project creation
If you choose to add the parts and services to the project, the accepted parts & services from the quote will automatically be included in the “Parts & Services” section of the project creation page and the quantity of parts and services specified in the quote will represent the planned quantity for the project as shown below:
Accessing project details page
After creating the project with the specific parts & services, you can track them on the Projects Details page to determine the budget against the parts that has been consumed by the jobs within the project. Here’s how:
1. Click "Parts & Services" from the left under "Navigation.” You can view details such as “Inventory valuation," “Total Panned," and "Total Used" at the top of the page.
- Inventory valuation: This refers to the monetary value of the parts and services currently held in inventory for a specific project. It is calculated based on the unit price and planned quantity of each item.
- Total Planned: This typically represents the total parts and services planned for the project.
- Total Used: This typically represents the total parts and services used for the project.
2. Followingly, you can view the parts and services associated with the specific project, along with other details such as:
- Unit Price: This is the cost per unit of the part or service.
- Location: The location where the part or service is stored or available.
- Planned Quantity: The number of parts and/or service that are planned to be used for the project. This quantity is automatically fetched from the accepted quote containing parts and services. Additionally, any parts and services added manually will be represented as planned quantity for the project.
- Used Quantity: The amount of the part or service that has been used by the jobs within the project so far. This quantity may include the sum of parts consumed by associated jobs (automatic consumption), parts consumed manually, and parts retained after detaching only jobs from the project.
- Available Quantity: The remaining quantity of a part or service after being utilized for the project. In other words, the planned quantity subtracted from the used quantity, is shown as the “Available Quantity.”
Note: The parts and services section within the project will include parts and services from associated jobs if the '
Sync parts & services from associated jobs' option is selected. For more information on restrictions,
refer below
3. Click any of the parts or services to view the jobs within the project that have consumed the specific parts and services.
Note: The available and used quantities will be updated automatically based on the parts or services consumed by the jobs. To enable automatic consumption, please ensure that the right module such as “
Job”, or “
Invoice” is selected to track Part Consumption under
Organization Settings >>
Parts & Services Settings. Alternatively, you can manually update the consumed quantity as needed.
Refer below.
Transaction history
You can also view the transaction history of parts consumed manually by a job within the project from the details page. Here’s how:
- Click the value containing the hyperlink in the “Used” column next to the part for which you want to view the transaction history.
- A sidebar will appear displaying the transaction history of the part. This includes information such as the job/project that used the part, date of use and the quantity consumed.
More actions
In addition to tracking the number of parts and services used across the jobs within a project, you have the flexibility to add additional parts and services, manually update the specific parts and services consumed, and apply a pricelist for parts and services. Here's how:
Adding additional parts & services
1. Click “+ Add” button at the top right of the page. A dialog box will appear.
2. Choose the desired parts or services with quantity and click the “Add Product” button. The Parts & Services will be added successfully to the project.
3. Once the parts or services are added, you can change the unit purchase price and unit selling price value, as needed. To do this, click the “kebab” icon (three vertical dots) next to the part or service on the right side, and select “Edit Details” from the dropdown menu.
4. A dialog box will appear where you can make the necessary changes. After making the changes, click the “Update” button to save your changes.
Note: The planned quantity cannot be changed once it has been added.
Manually updating consumed parts & services
There may be instances where parts and services are consumed without being associated with any specific jobs within a project. In such cases, you can manually update the records for the consumed parts and services. Here's how:
1. Click the “kebab” icon next to the parts and services on the right and choose “Consume manually” from the dropdown menu. A dialog box will appear.
2. Enter the consumed quantity and click the “Consume” button. Based on the input, the specific parts/services "Used quantity" will be updated.
Selecting and applying pricelist for parts & services
You can also select and apply price list to project-specific parts and services. This ensures that whenever you add parts & services to the project, the associated price list will be automatically applied to the project-specific parts and services.
- To apply a pricelist for the parts and services within a project, click “Select Pricelist” at the top right and select one of the pricelists from the dropdown menu.
Note: When a price list is already applied to project-specific parts and services, you cannot override it with a job-specific parts/services price list. This means that when you associate a job containing a different price list to a project that already follows another price list, only the project-specific parts & services price list will be applied.
The project manager or administrator can impose restrictions on users adding parts and services to the project. The available restrictions are:
1. Only Project-Specific Parts and Services: When this option is enabled, users can only associate parts and services that were added within the project to jobs while creating them. They will not be able to add parts and services from outside the project.
2. Sync Parts & Services from Associated Jobs: When enabled, parts and services from associated jobs will be automatically included in the project's parts and services list with Available and the Planned quantity would be 0 and the Used quantity would the number of parts and services added to the job.
Alternatively, if this option is enabled, when associating an existing job with a project, you’ll be prompted to choose whether to add the existing parts and services from that job to the project. If you choose not to add them, the parts and services will not be included in the project’s parts and services list.
So, based on the project requirements, you can enable either of these settings by clicking the "Configure" button at the top right corner and selecting "Restrict items"
Note: Enabling “Only Project-Specific Parts and Services” will disable “Sync Parts & Services from Associated Jobs,” and vice versa.
Best practices
1. Always ensure that the correct parts and services are added during the project planning phase. This helps maintain accuracy and ensures proper tracking throughout the project.
2. When adding existing jobs to a project, determine whether or not to move the associated parts and services from the job to the project level. If you choose not to move them, those parts will remain unassociated with the project.
3. Avoid adding the same part or product from the same location multiple times to a quote or project, as it may lead to errors in consumption. Additionally, always ensure you select the location when adding parts and services manually to ensure proper tracking of consumption.
4. Ensure that the configuration at the project level to restrict and sync parts is done only once. This will enable the system to track consumption accurately.