Jobs are the heart of the Zuper Web-App. All jobs available in the Zuper app can be accessed through our Jobs Listing Page.
Accessing Jobs
To access a specific job, you need to navigate to the Jobs Listing Page,
- Click on the "Jobs" icon in the Menu.
- By default, your open jobs will be listed in Descending Order of their respective Scheduled Time.
You can sort them by using the Jobs Sort drop-down
- Scheduled Time: Sorts your jobs based on their Scheduled Time either in an ascending or descending order.
- Job Priority: Sorts all your jobs based on their Priority in ascending or descending order.
- Job ID: Sorts all your jobs using their unique Job IDs in ascending or descending order.
Filtering Jobs
You can narrow down your search for a particular job by using our Intelligent In-Built Filters. You can access them by clicking on the "Filters" icon which is located right below the Create New Job button.
- Search: Fetches a list of jobs that contain the keyword that can match with your Job Title.
- Filter by Job Category: Narrows down jobs of a specific category.
- Filter by Priority: Filters jobs based on their respective priority.
- Filter by Due Date: Spots jobs that have similar due dates
Filter by Service Date: Refines jobs based on the selected date.
- You can use this filter to either list jobs for a specific day or date or month.
- You can also create a "Customer Date Range" by using the From Date and To Date calendar fields.
- Filter by Customer: Lists down all jobs of a specific customer.
- Filter by Scheduled Status: Picks out and groups jobs based on the status of their schedule (scheduled, unscheduled, overdue). Helps maintain service SLA.
- Filter by Assignment Status: Groups jobs based on their respective assignment status (assigned and unassigned).
- Filter by Team: Narrows down jobs that are assigned to a specific team.
- Filter by Assigned Employee: Displays jobs that are assigned to a particular employee.
- Filter by Job Type: Refines jobs based on their recurrence type (recurring or non-recurring)
- Filter by Job Status Type: Identifies jobs that have a similar status update ((started, on-hold, on my way, etc).
- Filter by Creation Date: Narrows down jobs that are created on the same day.
- Filter by Created User: Discerns jobs that are created by the same user.
- Filter by Customer Feedback: Filters jobs by their customer feedback (happy, neutral, and unhappy)
- Filter by Tags: Lists down jobs that have the same tag in their job details.
- Filter by Custom Fields: Identifies jobs with similar keyword or information listed on their custom job field.

Once you have selected the required filter options based on your requirement, click "Apply Filters" to see the filtered list of jobs.
Saving Your Filters
- Once you create a custom filter, you can save it for future use by using the Save icon which is located next to the Filter Option.
- Clicking on Save will prompt the Save Filter dialog
3. As you save your quick filter, you can share it with the rest of your team by expanding its accessibility to selected users or team members.
4. Name the filter and select users who should have access to your filter.
5. Confirm your selection by clicking on Save Filter.
6. Once a filter is saved, you can view it in the "Quick Filters" shortcut which is displayed above the Jobs Listing Table.
Sort Options:

Navigation: Jobs --> Sort
The new sort
option “Due Date” is available for the job module.
1. Select the "Jobs" module from
the left panel and click on the sort drop-down box, then choose the “Due Date” option.
2. The jobs are displayed based on the sort.
Quick Filter:

Navigation: Jobs --> Job Listing Page --> Quick Filter | Filter Icon --> Select Filter Category --> Save Icon --> Save as New or Update
The quick filter
option is the predefined filter saved and used based on repetitive usage. With
the edit option in place, you can club the additional filters or save the quick
filter option as new.
1. Select
the Jobs module from the left panel and choose your preferred option from the “Quick Filter” option.
Select the filter icon. 
3. Choose the required filters you want to add
and select the “Apply
Filter” button.
4. Our
new update is here. You can save it to the existing filter or save it as new. Now
select the save icon. 
Case 1 – Save as
1. From the “Update Quick Filter”
pop-up, select “Save as New” (If you want to save the filter selection as
a new filter).
2. Enter the filter name, enter the filter
applicable for the users, and click “Save
3. The filter is saved successfully.
Case 2 – Update
Existing Filter:
the “Update
Quick Filter”
pop-up, select “Update” (If you want to
save your filter selection to the existing filter).
2. The filter is saved successfully.
The business can easily sort and filter the jobs using the due dates option to meet the critical requirements.
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