How to create, edit, and delete a pricelist in the Zuper web app?

How to create, edit, and delete a pricelist in the Zuper web app?

The Pricelist feature in Zuper streamlines pricing processes, boosts customer satisfaction, and drives revenue growth by allowing businesses to update pricing efficiently and maintain consistency.

NavigationParts & Services  --> Pricelist --> + Create Pricelist

Create a Pricelist

To create a new pricelist, follow these steps:
  1.  Click the “Parts & Services” icon from the left navigation menu and select “Pricelists.
    The Pricelists listing page opens. 

  2. Click the “+ Create Pricelist” button in the top-right corner of the page.
    A new Pricelist creation page appears. Fill in the following sections:
    1. Primary Details
      1. Name (Mandatory): Enter a unique name for the pricelist.
      2. Description: Add a brief description explaining the purpose or scope of the pricelist.

    2. Pricelist Details
      1. Choose the type either “All items” or “Individual items.
        1. All Items (if selected):
          1. Type (Mandatory): Select either the “Discount” or “Margin” option.
          Note: This selection applies to all parts and services when configured for all items.
          1. Amount (Mandatory): Enter the value.
          2. Choose “USD” or “%” from the drop-down menu.

        2. Individual Items (if selected):
          1. Enable the checkboxes to “Enable Discount” and/or “Margin”.

          Note: You must activate the respective checkboxes during pricelist creation or editing to include a margin or discount in your pricing.
    3. Parts / Services
      1. Add the relevant parts and products by clicking the “+ Add” button.

      2. A dialog box with the existing parts and products will appear.
      3. Select the part/product(s) and click the “Add” button.

      4. You can specify either “Margin”, “Discount”, or “Custom Rate” for each item.
        1. Margin: An additional percentage or fixed amount added to the cost price of items to determine the unit selling price.
        2. Discount: A flat or percentage amount subtracted from the selling price you set in the master list for a part or service. The updated selling price, reflecting the applied discount, will be displayed accordingly in the Updated Price field.
        3. Custom Rate:- A fixed rate or percentage applied to the item or service.
        Note: Only one of these options “Margin”, “Discount”, or “Custom Rate” can be selected for each item.

  3. After providing all the required details, click the “Save” button at the top right corner.
    A new Pricelist will be created successfully. You can add the newly created pricelist to specific customers, organizations, or individual transactions, such as Quotes, Invoices, Jobs, or Contracts.

Edit Pricelist

You can edit a pricelist from any one of the following pages:
  1.  From the Pricelists listing page
  2. From the Pricelist details page
From the Pricelists listing page
To edit a pricelist from the Pricelists listing page, follow these steps:
  1. Select the pricelist you want to edit on the listing page.
  2. Click the “Ellipsis” icon under the “Action” column and select “Edit Pricelist”.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.
  4. Click the “Save” button to update the pricelist.

From the Pricelist details page
You can view the pricelist details page directly after saving a pricelist or from the Pricelists listing page.
To edit a pricelist from the Pricelist details page, follow these steps:
  1. Select the pricelist you want to edit.
  2. On the Pricelist details page, under “More Actions,” select “Edit Details.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.
  4. Click the “Save” button to update the pricelist.

Deactivate/Delete a Pricelist

You can deactivate/delete a pricelist from any one of the following pages:
  1. From the Pricelists listing page
  2. From the Pricelist details page
To deactivate/delete a Pricelist:
  1. On the Pricelists listing page, select the pricelist you want to deactivate.
  2. Click the “Ellipsis” icon under the “Action” column and select “Deactivate”.

  3. Alternatively, you can click the “Ellipsis” icon under the “Action” column and select “View Details”.

  4. On the Pricelist details page, under “More Actions”, select “Deactivate”.

  5. The pricelist will be deactivated successfully. To reactivate it, click “Activate”.

Delete Pricelist
To delete a pricelist, you must first deactivate the specific pricelist. Only after deactivation can the pricelist be deleted.
  1. On the Pricelists listing page, select “Delete Pricelist” under “Action” to delete the pricelist.

  2. Alternatively, you can delete the pricelist from the Pricelist detail page.

  3. A pop-up message will appear. Click the “Delete” button to delete the pricelist.

So, that's it! Whether you're creating a pricelist, making updates, or deactivating and deleting a pricelist, these procedures facilitate streamlined pricelist management within the application, ultimately contributing to efficient operations and enhanced productivity.

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