The Organization module in Zuper is designed to help manage all relevant company details. This module allows users to easily add and edit organization information, ensuring all necessary data is centralized and accessible.
Navigation: Clients --> Organization --> + New Organization
1. Click the "Clients" module from the left navigation menu and select “Organization."
2. Click the "+ New Organization" button from the top left corner.
3. Enter the “Primary Information” details:
A. Enter the Organization Name.
B. Add the Organization Logo.
C. Enter the Email addresses.
D. Enter the required Organization Description.
4. Enter the “Service Address” and “Billing Address” details.
5. Choose either the "Address" or "Geo-Coordinates" option.

Note: Always use the "Pick from Map" option to capture the address.
6. Click the "Use this Address" button to add the address.
7. Click the "+ Pick Customers" button to add customers to the organization from the pop-up that appears.
8. Enter Other details: If any custom fields are added under the settings, you can fill in the details here.
9. Click the "Save Organization" button to successfully create the organization.
The Organization module contains different company details linked to the customer contacts. Associating these modules can help the field technician operate efficiently.